Giving Through a United Way or CFC

There are over 1,000 United Way organizations and over 350 Combined Federal Campaigns (CFCs) within the U.S.  Each is unique, and each has different methods of collecting and distributing funds to eligible non-profit agencies.

Although PDSA does receive gifts each year from donors through United Ways and CFCs, an increasing number of United Ways no longer distribute funds to national non-profits like PDSA, and instead distribute funds exclusively to non-profits that serve their local community directly.  Many of those that do still allow their donors to give to PDSA require annual registration or other materials from the non-profit. 

For those reasons, it is advisable that you contact PDSA at (877) 528-3538 or by e-mail at if you are considering supporting PDSA through your local United Way.  Someone at PDSA can work with your United Way to find out if PDSA is currently eligible to receive funds and to complete the appropriate registration if necessary.

Designating Your Gift to PDSA

When PDSA is Listed as a Supported Agency

CFC – PDSA is listed in the National/International part of the CFC Charity List as #10207.

TRUIST (UNITED E-WAY) – PDSA’s agency code is #062581.

United Ways – PDSA is listed as a supported agency for many United Ways, but their agency codes change regularly, so it is best to check with your United Way each year to make sure that you have the correct agency code.  Please contact PDSA at (877) 528-3538 or by e-mail at if you need assistance identifying the proper code.

When PDSA is Not Listed as a Supported Agency

Some United Ways allow “write in” designations to non-profit organizations that do not have an agency code.  Please use our name (Platelet Disorder Support Association), our address (8751 Brecksville Road, Suite 150, Cleveland, OH 44141) and if necessary our EIN number (22-3611011) in the area of your pledge/gift card where you designate funds.

Notifying PDSA of Your Gift

It is important that you authorize your United Way or CFC to share your name with us on any pledge/gift form that you fill out.  Having your name makes it possible for us to recognize you as a member, track your pledge, send you an acknowledgement when we receive funds, and allow us to follow-up with the United Way and CFC if there are problems.

If you do not authorize your name to be shared, there will be no way for PDSA to know that you made a gift, as the United Way or CFC disbursement checks will list the donor as “Anonymous.”

If you do give your United Way or CFC authorization to release your name, they will eventually send PDSA a pledge report with your name and pledge information.  This, however, can take several months, so after you have filled out your United Way or CFC pledge/gift form, please ask for a copy of your form and then send it to PDSA via mail, e-mail  or fax (301-770-6638). This will enable us to record your pledge in a timely fashion, make sure payments are properly credited to your record, and give you access to our member benefits.