Donations from individuals, organizations, corporations and foundations have allowed us to make great progress in generating awareness, advancing research and uniting the ITP community globally.
Help us ensure ITP patients are empowered through education, awareness, research and support.
Call to the Heart 2025 – For ITP Research
Research is the key to unlocking a brighter tomorrow for ITP patients and remains a primary focus of our attention and resources. We hope you will partner with us to strengthen and expand the impact of our ITP research efforts by supporting our 2025 Call to the Heart campaign.
Workplace and Outside Giving Programs
There are numerous opportunities to support PDSA through outside giving programs. Note: each program has different business rules - some retain a portion of your gift as a processing fee, some do not name you as a donor, and many disburse funds on a quarterly basis.
Matching Gifts
DOUBLE YOUR DONATION! Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employee giving. Most programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some may double or triple the amount of your gift. Some even provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours.
Mail your completed gift form to:
8751 Brecksville Rd., Suite 150
Cleveland, OH 44141
Tribute Gifts
In times of great joy or great sorrow, people often make gifts to PDSA. You can make your contribution online:
- In Honor of a friend or family member
- In Memory of a friend or family member
When making a tribute gift by check, please indicate the designation type in the memo section. Please provide the name and address of the tributee in a note and enclose with your check and we will send a card to the tributee or the family member indicating the gift was made in honor of or in memory of the tributee.
Restricted Gifts
Unless otherwise noted, a donor’s gift will support all of PDSA’s initiatives. You may also choose to support one of the following restricted funds:
When making a restricted gift by check, please indicate the designation in the memo section of your check. If you are interested in creating another restricted giving area, please contact Caroline Kruse, PDSA's President & CEO at (877) 528-3538 or by e-mail at to discuss.
Contact Caroline Kruse, President & CEO at (877) 528-3538 or to discuss gifting stock, securities, or any other assets.
The Legacy Society
The Legacy Society recognizes the very special people who have included PDSA through a bequest in their will, or created other types of planned/legacy gifts—including a beneficiary designation, such as retirement assets or a life insurance policy—in support of PDSA.
Companies and Organizations
Industry partnerships allow us to serve the ITP community of patients and caregivers, advance the world’s most promising studies to better understand the pathogenesis and management of primary ITP, lead to new therapies, and improve patient quality of life. To learn more about corporate giving and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Caroline Kruse, President & CEO.
Make checks payable to “Platelet Disorder Support Association” or “PDSA” and mail to:
Platelet Disorder Support Association
8751 Brecksville Road, Suite 150
Cleveland, OH 44141
Call us at (440) 746-9003 to donate by credit card.
Gift Acceptance Policy
PDSA welcomes charitable gifts for purposes that help further and fulfill our mission. Our Gift Acceptance Policy governs the acceptance of gifts designated for the benefit of any of our operations, programs, and services.
The Platelet Disorder Support Association is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Tax ID # 22-3611011.
Contact PDSA at (877) 528-3538 or by e-mail at with questions