“I listen to my body to rest when I can”

“June 28, 2019 started out as any other normal day with waking up, a morning devotional, and reading my newest book before heading off to work. I was feeling very exhausted, but I wasn’t going to complain, as I work as an inpatient physical therapist in an acute rehabilitation hospital and my case load consists of patients recovering from strokes, brain injuries, and amputations. Once at work, I received a text from my husband to call my primary doctor, as the doctor was trying to get a hold of me. I called the office and that is when my life changed. My primary doctor informed me I needed to get to the Emergency Department immediately, as my platelets were at the critical level of 10,000. God is so good, and I was spared from having any neurological deficits, and my doctor was able to save my life. 

I was treated with IVIG and high doses of prednisone. I was on the prednisone treatment for three months. My journey has continued with ups and downs of platelet levels, along with a new twist – an additional health journey of GI issues, with a final diagnosis of lymphocytic colitis. My platelets are running low these days, and I listen more closely to my body to rest when I can. God is greater than my highs or lows of my platelets, and I have enjoyed a closer reliance on my savior Jesus Christ to get me through my “low energy” days.

I’m still working full time as a physical therapist. I’ve had the privilege of joining other patients’ battles with rare autoimmune diseases, as they need extra help for recovery. I like to think that those of us who have been diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease do not have a “horrible” immune system, but instead we have an incredible immune system that has just forgotten how to turn off. I pray that my story may encourage someone else who is on their journey of recovery to wellness.”

September 2020 update:

“These current times of COVID-19 have been challenging for all of us as a country, and even worldwide. I have been able to continue my work as a physical therapist helping patients recover from their strokes, amputations, brain injuries, and even status post-COVID. It has been challenging and sometimes exhausting. However, those of us who have lived with our diagnosis of ITP are in a unique position, as we live each day not knowing what tomorrow will hold, but we are resilient and take each day and live life to the fullest. May we continue to instill this daily hope to those who are living in fear of COVID or with the resulting deficits post-COVID. Remember, God continues to be greater than our highs or lows or even the unknown.”