To help your physician (or genetic counselor) understand your condition and make the proper diagnosis, below are some tools to record and track your family's health history:
- How to Share My Family Health History (National Society of Genetic Counselors)
- Does It Run In The Family? (Genetic Alliance)
- Medical history: Compiling your medical family tree (Mayo Clinic)
- Family Health History: The Basics (CDC)
- My Family Health Portrait (Office of the Surgeon General)
- Collecting a Family History (American Medical Association)
- How do I collect my family history? (Genes in Life)
If you suspect a cause of low platelet counts in you or your family member, speak to your hematologist about a referral to medical genetics, or to a hematologist who specializes in inherited thrombocytopenias. If you are not sure who specializes in inherited thrombocytopenias in your area, contact us at
Heredity – The study of measurable changes that can be passed on to future generations.