Hi, Ann.
In what ways ( symptoms ) was Colchicine considered toxic? At what dosage? I am interested because I have avoided other methods of treatment due to the long-term effects of these treatments. So little time has been invested in the new drugs and treatments available currently, and I do not wish to add this drug to that list. It is working so well for me presently. My mother is in her late 70's and is a retired registered nurse. She says she has known of people taking maintenance doses of Colchicine for Gout their entire lives with no contradictions. My dosage of 1.2 mg is considered a maintenance dose. However, you have brought up a good point and I shall be discussing my treatment with my doctor again at my next blood drawing. I did see the Blood Journal article prior to you sending me the link but also noticed that Vitamin C was on that list, as well. Vitamin C has never helped me either. I have tried that before. Could the lack of justification for treatment be due to the variable response to treatment that seems to be so prevalent in the treatment for ITP? Everyone is so different in their response to treatment. I also wonder if the toxicity reported involved possible other patient conditions/illnesses/drugs combined with the usage of Colchicine that could be a factor in toxicity? As patients, we are so at the mercy of our doctors and their knowledge of this disease. Any information you might have regarding Colchicine that is medically supported would be very helpful and welcome. It is just such discussions as these that help everyone to explore their options and become acive participants in the handling of this disease. I have had such low times with ITP. At times I have felt so alone and completely unable to control its' onset in my life. For 5 years I even chose simply to ignore the petichaea and bruising I was experiencing and chose to not treat it. I had no complications at all, but always heard that little voice in the back of my head whispering " What if...? " I am sure any and all of us with this condition may have been there before. So if anyone has insights, journals, information, etc. regarding Colchicine please send it along. And Ann ~ thank you for responding to my post. i had thought I had researched this drug pretty well, but I may just need to do some further investigation!