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  • solentgal
10 Feb 2010 08:51
child age 5yrs with chronic i.t.p was created by solentgal
hi im new to this so bear with me lol,single mum i have a child young girl who is nrly 5 she was diagnosed with chronic i.t.p when she was 2yrs old but believe she has had it longer than this, i have been looking up on diff ways to try and raise her platelet levels so i have started today to give her aloe vera has anyone had this and tried it ??? and is they anything else u could suggest im in uk and over here the dr do nothing at all so im at my witts end she is getting sick alot to picking up viruses all time from school and out HELP plezzz :P
  • Angel85
10 Feb 2010 06:16
Replied by Angel85 on topic Needle phobia -- any suggestions?
When they take my blood, they usually use a butterfly, it is so much easier and it doesn't seem to bruise as much cause it is a finer needle.
  • juliannesmom
10 Feb 2010 05:44
Replied by juliannesmom on topic Needle phobia -- any suggestions?
For the blood draws (not for IV treatments), some folks swear by the "butterfly." It seems to be a finer-gauged needle, with two wing-like things on it (maybe sticky, to hold in place?). My kid has only had that once, and said it was a bit more tolerable than the regular IV draw. She generally gets her CBC by a finger stick. Other than EMLA, and calming techniques, I can't offer much on the IV treatment sticks. Is there some calming pill they can give him that won't make him so sleepy you can't later get him to the car? I hate giving kids woozy meds if they aren't needed, but you may need a bit of extra assistance in getting him over the needle anxiety. My kid tolerates finger sticks, but for the IV draws or IV treatments, she gets the shivers as they're about to stick. I've had to crawl up onto the bed in the hospital, and sort of coccoon her until it was over.
  • Angel85
10 Feb 2010 02:58
Replied by Angel85 on topic Needle phobia -- any suggestions?
Right from when i was little, i never had problems with having blood taken, probally cause i have had so many done right from birth, i got used to them quickly, but like Ali has said, if you try to take their mind off it by giving them something else to do, that may work. I always used to get a teddy bear or a magazine afterwards as well. I also found the EMLA cream never really worked either, maybe thats the trick lol, they want u to feel more pain from the paster being peeled off so that u don't notice the needle.

I honestly hardly ever feel the pain of the needle anymore, The one i had the other day i didn't feel at all. I find I actually have more trouble with finger pricks then drawing blood from a vein, I find those are more painful then a needle.

Other thing is i never look when they put the needle in, i can look once it is in, but never look while it is being put into my vein.
  • itpdaughter
10 Feb 2010 02:16
Replied by itpdaughter on topic Staying logged in
lol yes... totally dislike having to go to the main page... maybe they felt we were too disconnected lol... i find this site takes longer to load etc way too lazy to log in all the time so I dont think ill be talking much lol least i made an account though...i think oneup has been to busy to switch herself over... I will have to do it for her on reading week )
  • lucidawn
09 Feb 2010 22:57
Replied by lucidawn on topic Dougie's School Trip
Hopefully the rollercoaster ride is over...I'm glad he had fun.
  • lucidawn
09 Feb 2010 22:53
Replied by lucidawn on topic Tim at 21k, Nplate started today
Regarding the needle phobia, its been five years. I guess he just finally learned to deal with it. He decided that he was going to just have to deal with it because every week he was getting draws and infusions, and with the emla it was worse than without it (because the emla made his veins collaps). So, he just one day said he was going to put up with it without a fight. It took five years though. It has been a four month intensive week after week infusion, this time, though, and the fact that he is almost 17 now. I think that helps.
  • alisonp
09 Feb 2010 18:55
Replied by alisonp on topic Dougie's School Trip
Hi Deanna

Dougie is due back at the hospital next Monday - I'd forgotten that it was the half term holidays next week though, and Dougie and one of his brothers are supposed to be staying with their Grandma, so I might try and rearrange his appointment for the week after.

Dougie has been complaining about having a sore throat today - its really annoying that I am now noticing all these stupid little viruses the kids get that never used to bother me at all before, just because they seem to have an effect on platelets. He seems fine though, still no symptoms..... long may it last!

Hows Devyn doing? Still got lots of bruises? I hope that he is well and that you are not worrying about him too much - having this illness at his age must make you want to cover him in bubble wrap!

Ali :cheer:
  • dbishop
09 Feb 2010 18:35
Replied by dbishop on topic Dougie's School Trip
I'm glad he had a good and safe time. Even better that he has no symptoms right now!!! When does he go for his next CBC

  • Sandi
09 Feb 2010 18:35

I wouldn't say that multiple cycles cause a better platelet count; more than one round can sometimes cause a longer remission. Usually if Rituxan doesn't work at all, it is not tried again. A marginal response might be worth a second or third try.
  • Sandi
09 Feb 2010 18:30
Replied by Sandi on topic Staying logged in
I am finding that I hit "quick reply" after I type my response instead of "submit" and I'm losing everything.
  • dbishop
09 Feb 2010 18:27
Replied by dbishop on topic wait & watch at 26K
I think that no matter what route you go, you will always question yourself. We too are doing the watch and wait approach with our son Devyn who is almost 2 and a half. At this point i am comfortable with this approach, but no matter what, the worry i have is overwhelming at times. You have to be comfortable with the decisions that are made. If this approach make you very uncomfortable then i would definitly talk to you Dr about it.

I think that many people have benefited from doing the watch and wait, especially if they are not very we all know this disorder is different in everyone.

  • Sandi
09 Feb 2010 18:23
Replied by Sandi on topic Newly Diagnosed
A positive Coombs test and low platelets might indicate Evans Syndrome.
  • alisonp
09 Feb 2010 17:07
Replied by alisonp on topic Needle phobia -- any suggestions?

Your post makes me so glad that we don't have this problem; it must be horrible for you and your son.

My experience is very limited and I am not sure it will be much use, but I find that thumb pricks are much more acceptable to my son than drawing blood from a vein, so he hardly ever has anything else now. Also we found that EMLA cream made things worse; my son says that pain and the anticipation of the pain from getting the plaster bit off is actually worse than the pain of the needle. In the hospital, they always have a nurse with a "Where's Wally?" book that demands lots of concentration on the book rather than the nurse with the needle on the other side!!

Other than that, we ALWAYS go for a cola or a McDonalds or something after he has been to the hospital, and that seems to help!

Hope you find a solution

Ali :)
  • nadia
09 Feb 2010 16:01
Replied by nadia on topic Needle phobia -- any suggestions?
Hello, so sorry to hear about your sons phobia. My son was only diagnosed just under a year ago but we have had 4 weekly bloods and he has got to the point that he now says "don't let them give me a needle please". He gets his arm frozen the creams give him a skin reaction. I am totally honest with Zac and only tell him on the morning of his blood test and we have explained even at this very young age that he has special blood so he has to have these tests done. Can he have hypnotherapy for relaxation my daughter had this for a dental phobia it is amazeing the results.
  • dots
09 Feb 2010 13:27
My son, nine in a couple of weeks, was diagnosed nearly seven years ago. His only treatment has been IVIG. When he was little we had to hold him down to put in the IV and to force Tylenol; over time (and with Tylenol Meltaways!) it became easier -- even easy sometimes.

He was hospitalized last January for a five-hour nosebleed -- he got an infusion and had to stay overnight; we usually go to a clinic for his treatments. In addition to getting the infusion, he was sick and miserable (fever, headache, body aches -- the virus had caused the platelet count drop which in turn caused the nosebleed) and couldn't sleep.

He now associates every medical procedure with the hospital (it took a half-hour to get a throat swab to rule out strep a few weeks ago). He's totally resistant to getting stuck, although he'll get a fingerstick without complaint. Even after an hour with an entire tube of EMLA on each arm, he freaks when he sees the needle, folds up his arms, and cries. He's too heavy to hold down, and that makes it more traumatic anyway. He's been known to run around the office and hide. We're going to try guided imagery and relaxation techniques, but:

Has anyone else dealt with this? How did your kid finally end up cooperating? I'm terrified his count will drop without our knowing it (he's not always symptomatic), and then another catastrophic nosebleed will land him in the hospital again.

Sorry so long, but I'm at wit's end.
  • Caroline109
09 Feb 2010 11:49
Replied by Caroline109 on topic Staying logged in
Okay-thanks-I thought I had replied but the reply may have disappeared into the sky. 5 hours is better than nothing.
  • Jay
09 Feb 2010 10:39
I have an extreme case of refractory itp. current count 3k and going on 10 years of no success of getting and keeping my numbers up. about to start rituxan. interesting that some people need multiple cycles before numbers react favorably..
  • Angel85
09 Feb 2010 02:32
Replied by Angel85 on topic Dougie's School Trip
Thats fantastic that he had such a wonderful time and had no problems!! I'm happy for him that he was able to have an enjoyable time during his trip!
  • wendyjlau
09 Feb 2010 01:49
Replied by wendyjlau on topic Next step for Caitlin-dr's recommendation
She was back at school and doing normal sports activities after 1 month. There have been no restrictions since. She plays hockey for school and that's about as rough as she can get! She did have some pain in her spleen area for about a year, especially after eating but it was a niggling pain rather than anything serious.

She hasn't had any issues with infection but the doctors are more cautious if she does get sick and we always take her in if she gets a fever. She got bitten by a dog last August and because of being spleenless the doctors treated it very seriously. Apart from that, everything has been as normal.
  • farida
09 Feb 2010 00:41
Replied by farida on topic Newly Diagnosed
sadi what make different if the combos test positive, as you know my son's was positive on last march and then negative on may , he got platelts transfusion on july his comos test became positive , and then negative again, do you have any asnwer for that
  • Sandi
08 Feb 2010 22:24
I really hope she has a good Rheumatologist. It can make all the difference. I've seen several, and some of them don't know what they are talking about.

My very first Rheumatologist (prior to diagnosis), dismissed me without doing any blood work because he said I "looked fine". I told him all of my symptoms plus prior ITP diagnosis and because I didn't have joint swelling, he told me I was okay. My Hematologist was the one who ordered the ANA and found it elevated. I was referred to another Rheumatologist who monitored me every 4 months and things went downhill from there. BUT - he listened.

Good luck Pauline...I know you are going through rough times with Caitlin right now. I truly hope things get better!
  • tacmom
08 Feb 2010 21:59
Thanks...I didn't realize the article was an older article. I was doing a google search on splenectomy in children and came across this one. I think alot of the articles I read must have been older because it says that they usually stay in the hospital for 3 to 5 days after the procedure is done and I thought this was done almost like on an outpatient basis since it is usually done lap??? (can't think of how to spell right now). If she will be out of school that long, then I will have to figure out what to do because she will be over her days that she is allowed to miss per semester. (They are not allowed to miss more than 9 days per semester and that includes excused absences. Her half days don't count against her, thank goodness.)

I think Caitlin is about to get sick again. Complaining about her stomach and head hurting again. Seems like this has been a common complaint for a few months now! :( She has ALOT of petechaie under her eyes and on her chest. This seems to be where she usually gets petechaie first and sometimes it spreads to other areas. I wish the rheumatology visit was tomorrow, not a week from tomorrow! I know it will be here sooner than I think though!
  • Sandi
08 Feb 2010 18:29

I have read articles that go both ways....IVIG predicts response and IVIG does not predict response. The article you posted was written in 2003 though, so I'd see if there is anything newer than that.
  • alisonp
08 Feb 2010 17:46
Dougie's School Trip was created by alisonp
Well, despite all my panicking, Dougie came back unscathed - despite quad-biking, high ropes, assault courses, zip-wires, climbing walls, etc. His clothes might never recover from the mud, but he had a brilliant time and loved every minute. He even said the food was great, which has to be a first for a school residential trip! He was really tired all weekend - but then I think his dorm had spent the nights talking rather than sleeping!

He hasn't got any symptoms at all at the moment. Long may it last. Its lovely to be enjoying some worry free time.

Thanks to everyone who supported me during his recent dip. I am hoping that I will panic less if it happens again. I am still hating this roller-coaster thing!!!!

Ali :lol:
08 Feb 2010 15:46
Replied by on topic Dogs on prednisone
Hope prednisone is working.

Our late granddog had to be on it a couple times when a puppy - only side effect she had was she didn't hurt. Thank heaven whatever it was passed and she never had to go on it again. One of our grandcats had to be on it for a bit too without side effects.

Sandi hope your baby is doing well.

Our cat is Killian Cat at Target's pharmacy and Killian Cat at the human pharmacy nearby. She's so special we can't just be with one pharmacy ;)
  • tacmom
08 Feb 2010 15:44
Doing research now before I take Caitlin to see the drs next week (rheumatologist & hematologist). I am reading as much as I can to try to see whether splenectomy is really the correct "next" step for us. Splenectomy really has a high complete response rate in children. Then there are a couple who have a partial response. It looks like it is almost rare for children not to have some type of response from the majority of the articles that I've read so far. However, I did come across this particular article and wanted to know what you think:

Caitlin really doesn't have a good response to IVIG. I know this is just one article and it doesn't necessarily mean that it won't work for Caitlin. So, I wanted to ask...for those of you who have had a "failed" splenectomy...did IVIG work for you prior to having the surgery?
08 Feb 2010 15:30
Replied by on topic Staying logged in
Caroline I think the max log-in time is 5 hours. Found the thread in the PDSA News & Forum Suggestions section - yes, Sandi said it was changed to 5 hours:

That and then when you do log on the discussion group page but once log in is completed it takes you to the main PDSA page instead of the discussion group page..... :S
  • michel
08 Feb 2010 14:07
Replied by michel on topic Anyone a "Lost" fan?
I can't wait to see how this season develops. I'm wondering if the creators will tie the show to the lost city of Atlantis or if this is like the Bermuda triangle. I also want them to clarify how were these people all selected, all along they've been showing clips of how each of these individuals were all connected prior to boarding the plane. What is the thread that tied them all together. So many questions and not enough info given.
  • tacmom
08 Feb 2010 13:04
Replied by tacmom on topic Next step for Caitlin-dr's recommendation
Wow, I probably would have jumped at splenectomy if she had problems with her periods at that young of an age. That is just too young and poor Katie! Caitlin is 11, almost 12 and hasn't started yet, but my 13 year old just started two months ago so I think Caitlin probably has at least another year before we have to worry about her starting.

One other you remember how long Katie had to wait before being able to participate in active sports? Caitlin's dr said two months, which is ok with me. I also wonder...can they participate in any sport without restrictions if they don't have a spleen?
Displaying 71701 - 71730 out of 72263 results.