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  • DebbieC
12 Feb 2010 10:31
Replied by DebbieC on topic child age 5yrs with chronic i.t.p
Neat that you are moving to Merritt Island, Florida. I had an aunt who lived there and visited her years ago. Nice place to live. Hope you can find a good doctor down there. I think fresh vegetables is the way to go also. Dark green veggies help with clotting which is good when the platelets are low. It's great to do research and try what may be helpful to your child. Have you looked at celiac disease? Some people are helped with that diet.
Platelets carry seratonin so when platelets are low people do feel down and tired. The good ITP doctors know this. A lot of the doctors used to say this isn't part of ITP but the doctors in the know do say this is a symptom.
Best of luck with your move. Hopefully your daughter will see her platelets rise very soon. Take care, Debbie
  • dots
12 Feb 2010 09:36
Replied by dots on topic LIAM COUNT 32K
Our son's docs are adamant about the cautery because of the two significant bleeds he had. The ENT will be doing it in hospital so that H can be sedated. They'll give him a little oral Versed (generic -- midazolam), then place the IV and do what's called "conscious sedation" so that he's asleep during the procedure. Most kids have it done in the doc's office, but not if there's sedation involved.

Cautery works for a lot of people; it doesn't work for everyone. I figure if we get at least a year without nosebleeds we're ahead of the game. Angel85, your perspective is quite important because you've had it done, and it wasn't entirely successful.

Jenny, make sure to ask the ENT and the hematologist about everything you can think of, including what happens if it doesn't work, and exactly how the procedure will be done. Angel's not kidding when she says it's unpleasant -- that's why we're sedating my kid.
  • Angel85
12 Feb 2010 07:38
Replied by Angel85 on topic differing thresholds for being alarmed
I dunno, it would be hard to gauage if air travel can lower platelets, i would think the only way to know would be to have a blood test done while your in the air, but that still wouldn't prove it was the air travel that made them low. I think it would possibly be just the jet lag and that travelling does tire you out
  • norita
12 Feb 2010 07:08
Replied by norita on topic differing thresholds for being alarmed
Well, I flew back to the UK and had a test which showed my count had gone down to 18 (it had previously gone from 11 to 43 in one week on 20mg of pred), so it looks like that initial rise was just a brief surge in response to the steroids. After flying back to Spain yesterday I have a couple more bruises too, but I expect those now (there's nothing like air travel with its cramped seats and heavy luggage to give you a few knocks).

I was wondering, is there any evidence that air travel can lower platelets? I'd been thinking that the extra bruising is due to the knocking around, and also to the changes in air pressure - i.e. that the platelets stay the same but they're faced with a greater challenge. But is it possible they actually fall too? I travel a lot, and it seems each time I do I get a lower count. It could just be that travelling is tiring, and it generally takes it out on your body.

Anyway, the plan now is to try Rituximab when I'm back in the UK in April. What a complete pain all of this is!
  • liam12
12 Feb 2010 06:42
Replied by liam12 on topic LIAM COUNT 32K
thanks for your honesty,its given me something to think about
  • Angel85
12 Feb 2010 06:16
Replied by Angel85 on topic Timothy bleeding symptoms
Sorry to hear that, hope they go back up soon and the symptoms go away
  • Angel85
12 Feb 2010 06:10
Replied by Angel85 on topic LIAM COUNT 32K
Wow, 32 is not too bad, thats good.

I have seen an ENT and I just thought I'd give you an honest opinion from someone who has had their nose cauterized more times then i can count when i was younger. I hated having it done and I was older then Liam when i started having it done, it is honestly worse then having blood taken or an IV put it. It is the worst feeling in the world and at his age, you will probally find it is hard to hold him down to have it done cause he will most likely try to fight it.

A two hour nose bleed and 4 in one day is a lot and probally does need to be looked at by an ENT, but i just thought i'd make you aware that it isn't a pleasent thing to be put through. I agree they did work for me for a while, but like the pred it too stopped working after a while, so i needed it done more times for the nose bleeds to stop.
  • solentgal
12 Feb 2010 03:23
Replied by solentgal on topic child age 5yrs with chronic i.t.p
my little one gets real tierd when herplatelets drop and yes she can become moody to i think where ya body is so run down trying to do what it has to do it can be exhusting for the child as well as ur self i find it worse when she gets sick with colds flu sickness i cant sleep to good always up waiting for something lol only time i get to relax when she is at her dads which anit offten another good thing moving to florida il have the support i need from family uuggg i cant wait
  • solentgal
12 Feb 2010 03:20
Replied by solentgal on topic child age 5yrs with chronic i.t.p
i have been looking on the net research realy willing to try and natural way to help my little girl i saw that raw veg and strewberrys and aloe vera was on the top list of things that could help raise the platelets i have also been mixing it in water u can hardle taste it i have been given her just the 10 ml to srat with and build upon it as says to take 25ml twice a day with or with out the water im willing to try anything right now just to help her she loves her raw veg so thats another pluse aloe vera is good for internal and out ternal .... we are moving to florida merritt island , her count at mo is 3 we did have a patch whereshe looked great for ages then bang it came back worse than ever she had blood blisters in mouth rash all over she was tierd as well another sign i noticed when her counts drop
  • liam12
12 Feb 2010 03:03
Replied by liam12 on topic LIAM COUNT 32K
thankyou so much for that info,the doctor didnt explain much about the ENT,and i must have been a bit tired because i just nodded and said ok,<long night.>liam is seeing his heamo on tuesday and i will definately be asking kim about it. thanks, jenny
  • karenr
12 Feb 2010 00:21
Replied by karenr on topic Rituxan
Neither splenectomy (January 2004) nor Rituxan (August 2004) worked for me, but I don't think the splenectomy made the Rituxan dose any more difficult. Prednisone (usually doses around 10 mg) worked for me both before and after the splenectomy--that is, prednisone keeps my platelets at a low, but safe (usually 25-40) level.
  • dots
11 Feb 2010 23:03
Replied by dots on topic Boys and sports with itp.
I don't let my son play football (soccer) or any contact sport at all, since his count can drop precipitously without any symptoms at any time so he could get seriously injured. Luckily, he's never been interested. (I hope he wants to play tennis!) If you have a sense of your son's count, and therefore his level of safety, when he plays, then your consultant's probably right. A jet black bruise doesn't sound like he should be heading the ball, though. I'd tell Zac that he can get very hurt heading the ball and you don't want him to hurt himself. (Here in Brooklyn, kids aren't even supposed to attempt heading the ball until they're ten anyway.) I would think that rugby would be too dangerous under any circumstances, frankly, but I tend to be more conservative when it comes to rough play. At some point he has to know that he can't do everything he wants, or everything his friends can.

Is the consultant your pediatrician or your hematologist? If he's a pediatrician, does he have experience with ITP? I ask only because you say he's so opinionated about Zac playing.

Here's a link to a list from, which is a project of the Boston Children's Hospital, which may help you. The rest of the website is quite useful as well.

Good luck.
  • itpdaughter
11 Feb 2010 22:31
Replied by itpdaughter on topic Staying logged in
yeah I used to just have the social page bookmarked w/ my login already there. I found that site, when you signed in while on a topic after signing in thats where u went... I miss the replybox at the bottom too :( i feel like im typing emails here.... and I dont remember what was already said without double checking! :( saddness is upon me :(...wait just went to click send the the whole discussion is at the bottom of the page.... so that makes me feel a bit better!... on th eup side as well anyone else notice we can post pictures easy?? :)
  • dots
11 Feb 2010 22:02
Replied by dots on topic Good numbers for Devyn today!!!
Now that's what we like to hear. Excellent news!
  • dots
11 Feb 2010 22:00
Replied by dots on topic LIAM COUNT 32K
My son (9 in a few weeks) has nosebleeds fairly often, with two significant ones (four and five hours) that resulted in his needing iron supplements for three months. The right side was cauterized in the emergency room during the five-hour bleed, and that side hasn't bled since. It's been a year since then. His ENT and his hematologist (and my husband and I) all want to cauterize his left side, which we'll do after he relents and has his next IVIG infusion.

I'd get Liam to an ENT sooner rather than later so that the bleeds don't get worse. Four in one day is a lot; two hours is a long time.

Good luck.
  • Kim
11 Feb 2010 21:06
Replied by Kim on topic Timothy bleeding symptoms
sorry to hear he's dumped out and counts low. Hope he rebounds back up again.
  • Kim
11 Feb 2010 21:05
Replied by Kim on topic Painful bones
The cold causes burning and pain for me too, although I don't do well with an electric blanket or a heating pad, because if I warm up too much, I get burning skin with that to. I have to maintain a comfortable body temp, because if it changes too much either way, I have burning pain. I don't like it to warm or to cold. If I could find a place to live that had 70-80 degrees all year long and no fluctuations in temp or dry to wet to quickly, because that's also a problem for me. If it's too dry or too damp or swinging from dry to damp.
  • tacmom
11 Feb 2010 21:02
Replied by tacmom on topic Timothy bleeding symptoms
I'm sorry he is having so many bleeding symptoms. They might need to use either IVIG or prednisone to keep him from bleeding until his count is at a safe level. Caitlin increased her dose each week until she was at .3 mcg then stayed there for a couple of weeks. Same with .04. .05 kept her stable for a long time as well as .06 but then .07 didn't work at all which was the max dose for her weight.
  • Kim
11 Feb 2010 21:00
Replied by Kim on topic Record snow in Dallas-Ft Worth!
Enjoy the snow and your girls the long weekend to experience it.
  • tacmom
11 Feb 2010 20:53
Record snow in Dallas-Ft Worth! was created by tacmom
We are lucky if we get more than a dusting of snow each year. Today we got 7-9 inches and the schools are closed tomorrow! My girls will have a 4 day weekend bec Monday is a teacher workday. We had fun building our first big snowman earlier this evening. :) [img/] [img/] [file/]
  • liam12
11 Feb 2010 20:53
LIAM COUNT 32K was created by liam12
Hi Liam spent most night in hospital with a 2 hour nose bleed,count up to 32 with 3 days on predi,i feel sometimes its never ending,he had 4 blood noses yesterday,if he keeps having them they will gwt him to see an ENT specialist,has anyone else had to see one? thanks jenny :unsure:
  • Sandi
11 Feb 2010 18:12
Replied by Sandi on topic Painful bones
I'm very affected by cold too. It's horrible. My skin burns and muscles and joints get painful. The only time I feel normal is when I'm under my electric blanket with the setting on 8. Wish I could just stay there!

I'd definitely mention it to your doctor.
  • Sandi
11 Feb 2010 18:10
Replied by Sandi on topic Infertility & ITP

I've never heard of a known link between ITP and infertility. I have heard of a link between ITP and miscarriages, but that is only when APS Antibodies are also involved.

Good luck to you.
  • nadia
11 Feb 2010 17:48
Boys and sports with itp. was created by nadia
Hello, I have a sports mad 5yr old with itp. Our consultant is quite opinionated that Zac should do sports. We have talked to his sports teacher and explained the situation, just one time when he fell of a frame his knee went jet black. Every break time he tries to play his version of rugby and football so his skin is never clear. He has tennis twice a week and wants to play proper rugby but I cannot go there because I am just so frightened. My question is has anybody got feelings or info on children heading balls, I read that it is just a no no and that makes sense to a parent but I don't know how I would tell Zac. Thanx.
11 Feb 2010 17:41
Replied by on topic Painful bones
I would certainly mention it when you go for physio in a couple weeks Julia! Can't hurt right :)

I really like my long underwear [pants & top], they are thin & not bulky at all - I really can't tell I have them on, but they do keep me warm!

Sounds plenty cold where you are - I'm so looking forward to summer [spring where I live can still bring cold and snow].

Thank you, how sweet - I will give Killian that hug!

  • nadia
11 Feb 2010 17:30
Replied by nadia on topic child age 5yrs with chronic i.t.p
:) Hi My son is 5 years old with chronic itp and we are on the watch and wait programme. Every 4 weeks he has his bloods done and then we see his consultant. After reading many threads I have come to the conclusion that he is being given the best treatment ie no treatment. I do feel that he can have horrendous mood swings and the dr said that this really has nothing to do with his condition. But he gets quite low and miserable and says mammy "why do I feel like this" and after having two other children now teenagers i now that this is not normal. I really do feel his bloods are dropping, he tends to mark easily after one of these episodes. I was surfing and found some seminar notes from american specialists and they are really trying to get the doctors over there to treat the patient/symptoms not the count. So maybe when you get over there things may be diferent. Good Luck.
  • dots
11 Feb 2010 17:27
Replied by dots on topic Needle phobia -- any suggestions?
The last time we were able to get the IV started (October), it did take 90 minutes, and he was quite proud of himself once it was in. We've tried several times since in order to prep him for his nose cautery, and he can't remember what it was that allowed him to be more comfortable. Unfortunately, the child life specialist can't remember either. I should check his chart to see if it was documented.

I'm beginning to think that sedation is the only answer, at least for now, but they don't do it at the clinic in case there's a problem. He'd have to have the infusion at the hospital so there's a team on hand just in case.

This is my plan for now:
    Guided imagery on an iPod (done by his therapist, who he loves and whose voice he knows well)

    If that doesn't work, a session or two or three with the social worker who does hypnosis work

    If that doesn't work, admit him to the hospital and sedate him slightly so he allows the infusion. Stay overnight and have the cautery done in day surgery and go home a few hours later.

I'd like to see if the other methods might work first since we need a long-term solution, and sedation doesn't seem like the best option long-term.

I feel so bad for him, and I'm terrified of another significant nosebleed. ITP parents understand the fear and the unpredictability of all this. It's so hard.
  • DebbieC
11 Feb 2010 17:18
Replied by DebbieC on topic child age 5yrs with chronic i.t.p
Hi, Years ago I had a friend here who gave her son Aloe Vera. She would never come out and say she thought the aloe vera caused his ITP to reverse but I always wondered. I did give it to my daughter for a short while but she didn't like the taste of it. What made you decide to give it to your daughter? It's supposed to be healing and some people wonder about leaky gut and ITP so I don't know what it could hurt. Have you told your doctor she is taking it? If you notice any weird symptoms talk to your doctor. Best of luck with it. I tried quite a few things with my daughter. Vitamin C is thought to be helpful for some people and I have heard vitamin D also. You can get her vitamin D levels tested. Where are you going to move in the US? There are local support groups for ITP in many areas of the US now. You can find them on this site. My daughter had ITP with low counts from 12-14 but she has had a normal count for a few years now. She slowly rose over time. Let us know how your daughter does, Debbie
  • Kim
11 Feb 2010 16:44
Replied by Kim on topic Rhema Appt
Thyroid autoantibodies can cause itching, although I'm not sure how, but I was tested for antibodies to thyroid for my itching. My was negative, as was all my allergy testing.

I'm glad your itching has stopped. I wish mine would. I'm having a whole slew of other symptoms, which I think point to lupus, as they are the same symptoms I had prior to transplant. Extreme fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, all increased. My eyes are burning and very dry, my nose burns, I'm nauseous after I eat and have actually lost 10 pounds in the last couple of weeks. Headaches...the list goes on.

I'm very frustrated with it all. I'm taking 3 allergy medications, steroid eye drops and nasal spray, which does help some, but I'll flare and despite the medications, I'll feel miserable for a few days, come out of it, only to go back to miserable if I do too much. All I'm doing lately is sitting around and it's making me depressed.

At least the rash is cleared up, but if I scratch, it reappears. I see the immunologist in about 10 days, so hopefully he'll have suggestions on managing this better.
  • tigereyes
11 Feb 2010 16:21
Replied by tigereyes on topic Rhema Appt
Everything was negitive on the report. Well with the exception of the thyroid anitbodies those were the only positive thing on there.

Just as suddenly as the itching came on its stopped. I woke up one morning and it was gone. However the rash on my cheeks has gotten worse.
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