Hello Everyone..
My name is Joya, I'm 21 years old and life in the Netherlands.. Since we don't really have very active fora's on ITP in Dutch I decided to sign op here.. So sorry for the grammer faults etc.
This is my story:
I'm a first year student Lifestyle & Health (This is a study where we learn how to make different groups of people healthier with sport) I'm a dancer, and danced as a cheerleader for a few years. Overall I'm a very active person, I sport 5 times a week all kinds of sports and I hate to sit still.
During one of the sport lessons at school I god kicked. My enckle was very swollen and I decided to go to the docter since I was going snowboarden 1.5 week later and I didn't want to go snowboarding with an injury. I always used to have a lot of bruises but never really thought anything of them.. I am a very simple person and I don't like to go to the docter. In my dancing carreer I always learnt that when you're not dying you can still dance or sport.. So that's how I always lived my life..
So I went to the docter. For the first time in about 8 years. I never ever thought I would have anything. I just thought maybe she'll tape my enckle. When the doctor saw the bruise on my enckle and some other bruises she got worried and had me run some bloodtests..
I went to the lab for the bloodtests on friday around 12. After that I went to the hospital to visit my grandfather. When me and my boyfriend letteraly walked out of the hospital the doctor called and told me I emmediatly had to go the ER to get my blood testet again. She told me they could not messure my blood platlets and that they had to run the tests again because they actually could not believe my counts where so low and I wasn't sick or anything.
So I went to the ER and found out they could not messure my blood platlets at all.. In one test I had only 3k (I think that's how you say it in English) and in an other I had none.. SHOCKING

I'm never sick not even a cold or anything and now there were interns comming to see if I was really sitting there with those counts.. They could not believe it.. So they started me on dexamethason for 5 days..
The dexamethason got me really sick.. Thank god for my sweet loving boyfriend how took care of me becouse I couldn't even walk the stairs on my own.. after 5 days my counts where back up to 92 and after a week I was up to 131. So I was allowed to stop with the medication and celibrate it in de snow on my holiday.. I did have a lot of withdrawls on my vacation but was still able to enjoy it. Snowboarding went fine I just had to take a nap every day and wasn't able to carry my own luggage or grossery etc.
When i came back from my holiday I felt perfectly fine! I was confidend my counts were great since I fell a lot the whole vacation and didn't even have one bruise! 2 days after I came back I had to go back to the hospital for a new blood test.. And my counts where back down to 23.. Again SHOKING.. the docter wanted to wait another 3 days to see if they would drop any further.. That wednesday my grandfather died very suddenly wich was another big shock..!! On firday my counts dropped to 13.. So back on the dexamethason.. This time for 3 weeks.. 4 days on medication and 3 days off..
This time I have different side effects but still they have so much influence on my life..

I am hungry all day!! Wich is new for me because I never really cared for food.. I already gained 2 kg because I can not control my eating.. I am also unable to sport since I almost vaint after running one round.. I feel like my life is passing by and I'm standing still watching from the side line.. I can not really have a normal conversation since I can not come up with words.. It's impossible for me to follow conversations with several people because it is to much for my brain..
I just feel like my life is on hold..
Now I'm on my last week of dexamethason and I have a new docters appointment over 2.5 week.. On my last check up my counts where back up over 300k wich is great!!! But we already new this would happen with the dexamethason..The only thing is.. how long whil they stay up for..
I really really don't have the time to be sick! I'm in my first year of school.. I have a very active life and now everything is falling apart and all I can do is wait and wait and wait.. Im also very scared.. even when my counts are back up.. I don't know when they are back down and they've already proven to be able to drop very fast.. with in a week they can almost disappear.. I now I'll be check very regulary but this can always come back.. I do a lot of team sports and quitting is NO option! Because that is my life.. I don't have anything to life for if I can't dance and play sports!
I talked to my docter about removing my spleen.. I just feel like this whole medical treatment thing is great for people who life a normal life.. People who do not sport several times a week and try to make a living with sport. My whole life is filled with sports.. and now I have nothing.. I already had a problem with depressions and now I feel like I'm in this black whole with np light at the end of the tunnel..
What do you think? Shouldn't I just het a splenectomy? I know it only helps in 70% of the casus but I'm willing to take that risk.. To me the impact of having to go on prednison of the dexamethason doesn't work for a long time (wich I don't tink it will) is way to big! It is ruining my life.. If they just take my spleen out I don't have to be scared all the time.. If I fall of get kicked or bumb into anything..
I don't see how I can life with this.. Please help me..