Hello All,
I’m new to this forum but have been perusing the PDSA website since my ITP diagnosis in September of 2020. This is my first post.
When I learned I had ITP, my platelets were 30. My hematologist said if I get below 20, he would want me to start treatment, namely Rituxan infusion. I read up on that and the side effects greatly concern me as I already have other autoimmune diseases. I switched my diet to mostly vegetarian, eating a lot of sprouted pumpkin seeds, walnuts, peanuts, and kale. Aside from the benefit of losing weight, my platelets rose into the 50s. Then, in my research into foods that raise platelets, I discovered pomegranate juice. I drank 8 ounces daily for about 8 months and my platelets rose to 75. Very encouraging, and my hematologist said he doesn’t know how the juice works, but to keep drinking it because it obviously raised my platelets. Unfortunately, I developed high blood pressure (not from the pomegranate juice) and was put on Amlodipine. Through my own research reading scholarly articles and abstracts (which I can’t remember, sorry), I learned that pomegranates adversely affect most blood pressure meds (and antibiotics) the same way grapefruit juice/products do, so I had to stop drinking the juice. My hematologist never once mentioned this interaction. I stopped the juice and my platelets gradually fell down to 23 over the course if a year. Again, I adjusted my diet to drastically reduce my sodium intake to the point I no longer need to be on blood pressure medication. So, in August of 2023, I started back on the juice (I drink one 8.4 oz. bottle of POMONA 100% pomegranate juice a day on empty stomach) and my platelets are going up again (to 27 as of two weeks ago). If they continue to rise, I can confirm the pomegranate juice is highly effective. If my numbers go down again, my doctor will insist on putting me on Promacta. I took to heart the diet changes suggested by the PDSA website as well as from other well being sites related to ITP, and they’ve all made a positive impact not only in raising my platelets, but also slow yet significant weight loss the past 3 years. I’ll post here again with more news in a week or two with an update after a blood draw this Friday and another next week along with a consult with my hematologist.
From the beginning, he has really pushed for me to begin Rituxan and now Promacta if my platelets fall to 20. I’ve resisted. My doctor is relatively young and has never discussed dietary changes to increase my platelets. I feel if there’s a drug-free way to raise my platelets, that’s what I’m going to try. As patients, sometimes we must be the researchers; we must be our own advocate. At least for me, I’ve learned that my hematologist isn’t interested in diet changes. He has never even suggested it. He’s all about the expensive infusions and pills. Please understand I realize many people need infusions and drugs to control their ITP. I may be in that number one day, but until that day comes, if dietary changes can raise my platelets, I’ll continue my ITP journey with pomegranate juice, a low sodium vegetarian diet, and continued personal research.