Hey Posemint!
Thanks for your kind reply. I hope you have had a great holiday.
I told her and after a while, it broke up. Not sure if it was about ITP or not but it was also long-distance and had several other issues. A lesson I learned is that I'd never start a long-distance relationship since apart from every problem it has for everyone, for me if they ask about health, then I cannot lie and since long distance relationship is romantically weaker than an in-person relationship, chances are higher that it would end.
I also broke up with a classmate, over a trivial issue (She broke up cuz I was arguing about abortion laws, with some references). She raged and although I knew her for a few weeks, it was a little disappointing and made me sad for a while. I had some symptoms and I suspect it might be of that. I have had relationships ended, but this one ended with an argument which wasn't nice (and not my fault). Another limitation ITP would bring to my life is that I shall look into a more stable relationship as tolerating a
bad partner would be of too much a burden to carry other than ITP.
I'm now single and feel lonely a bit. I don't have many friends and I also live alone (in the US, far from family). My ex has applied to this university and I hope she gets admitted. I found her to be the best person I ever met. But in a college town of 20-30 thousand students, it is disappointing to be single (and also lonely)

. I also tried several dating apps but to no avail. Next semester classes would be in person (as opposed to this one which was online) and I'd have more time to find new friends (either dating or friends).
But let's also focus on good things. Thank God, I have had my medication covered. It was stressful (as also one doctor visit got denied and got me scared that might affect meds) But I won't check the website again. I won't check till they send a bill and then I'd argue. So far no bills in my mailbox and thanks, God. I got an A+ average this semester. I am now on a small prednisone dose over a bad week I had but I hope I can wean off quickly.