We don't know any results and will not find out anything for two weeks. They did a TON of tests today which included 12 vials of blood for different tests (don't remember the names of all of them), EKG, chest x-ray, urinalysis, and she will have to do a 24-hour urine test this weekend. The pediatric rheumatologist seemed VERY thorough and did say that based on the earlier tests that she had done in Dec/Jan, they do have a reason to suspect Lupus. She is running all of these tests again to see if she has another positive ANA test and to see if her titer stays the same or goes higher. She does meet more than 4 of the criteria for Lupus based on a quastionnaire that I had to fill out, but that doesn't always make it "definite". Her appointment was 3 hours long.
They said if there is any indication that she does have Lupus, then splenectomy will not be an option for her. She said they like to treat the entire body and not just the platelets. She is ok with Rituximab, but said that if everything turns out the way she "thinks" it will, then she will suggest a 3-day course of high dose steroids done through an IV rather than taking pills and it will be about 1000 mg. I can't imagine that!! Seems like that would be toxic to the body!! We meet with the hematologist on Thursday to discuss any early results that have come in and then what to do next, but I have a feeling we won't be doing any kind of treatment until March until we get all results back. I know Caitlin's platelet count is VERY low because of recent bloody noses and then her stomach & chest were covered with petechaie after the EKG and then her arm was covered in petechaie after they drew the blood. I wish I knew now what her count was, but I am sure I will find out on Thursday or maybe before then if it is in the single digits.