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Accessory Spleen

14 years 10 months ago #669 by Sophie
Accessory Spleen was created by Sophie
I was wondering if anyone else had one (or multiples) or if they had any information about them because I've been having a hard time finding information.

I had a laproscopic splenectomy in July 2008 and the surgeon found an accessory spleen and took it out at the same time. I didn't have much of a response to the splenecomy by itself. Yet, with Rituxin after my platelet had never been better (400k)

Now that my platelet count is back down the toilet my hematologist made me do a CT scan and it looks like I have 2 more accessory spleens.

Is it normal to have so many? Since I didn't have a scan before my surgery, I don't know if I always had three extra spleens and the surgeon didn't see all of them or if they developed after the surgery (is that even possible?)

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14 years 9 months ago #710 by
Replied by on topic Re:Accessory Spleen
I had a splenectomy (but do not have ITP) and the docs noted an accessory spleen on my post-op notes, which they left in. It is my understanding that sometimes they can see them (I had an open splenectomy)--and sometimes they grow afterward. They can be pretty tiny, and there can be several of them. If it wasn't for the ITP, that would be a good thing! Ann, Caitlin's (22) Mom

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14 years 9 months ago #748 by barrelgal
Replied by barrelgal on topic Re:Accessory Spleen
My Doctor mentioned them being a possible complication during surgey, as well as the possibility of developing them some time after haveing a spleenectomy. I haven't let them take my spleen yet so I don't have any experience with them. I do like the sound of them, like maybe they should come in different colors to match your shoes...

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14 years 9 months ago #788 by Sophie
Replied by Sophie on topic Re:Accessory Spleen
Thanks for the comments :)

I'm seeing my doc tomorrow so I'll have to see what he says. It's kinda weird that you can have extras of organs or even regrow them!

I agree with you barrelgal, it's a strange name to give an extra spleen. I thought my surgeon was making things up when he told me he had also removed an acessory spleen :laugh:

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14 years 8 months ago #2903 by hairball01
Replied by hairball01 on topic Re: Accessory Spleen
After my splenectomy in '06, the platelet count did not improve. Months later, my Hemo doc agreed to look for a phantom spleen aka accessory spleen. They infuse a short-lived radioactive dye in your arm and scope for a concentration of radiation in the spleen area. Mine did not not show anything. No one could offer me an explanation of why they might/could reoccur. I still have trouble keeping the count up..... maybe it re-grew.

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14 years 7 months ago #3436 by Sophie
Replied by Sophie on topic Re:Accessory Spleen
I had a nuclear medicine liver/spleen scan but the docs said it was inconclusive. But the more recent CT scan showed some splenules and some regenative tissue in the splenic bed.

I'm going to have my splenectomy, part 2 on Thursday. My hematologist said that there's a less than 50 percent chance that it will work, but I have to try. I'm only 22, I don't want to be taking Prednisone/Rituxin/N-Plate/IVIG/etc for the rest of my life if there was any possibility that this surgery could help. Plus she told me that I now longer have Howell-Jolly bodies in my blood, which I guess means that I'm no longer functionally asplenic?

I still don't really know exactly how it happened. From my shakey understanding, people are born with them, or the surgeons can leave bits behind accidentally. I'm not sure about regrowth if it's been entirely removed...

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14 years 7 months ago #3437 by rere
Replied by rere on topic Re:Accessory Spleen
I had a splenectomy two weeks ago. The surgeon informed me I had an accessory spleen which he removed. It was 1 centermeter. He said when he does a splenectomy he looks for an accessory spleen.

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14 years 7 months ago #3464 by tortie
Replied by tortie on topic Re:Accessory Spleen
I sure hope this one does it for you Sophie, good luck!!!!

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