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Surgery - blood thinners

1 year 6 months ago #73294 by 1wildhag13
Surgery - blood thinners was created by 1wildhag13
For later this month I have a total left hip replacement scheduled. Since I have been mostly on Nplate, my hematologist will use that to calibrate my plt count. My orthopedic surgeon wants a count of 100k which is ok, but I would like 100+. The surgeon, he tells me, will need to use a blood thinner after surgery to reduce the chances of getting something like deep vein thrombosis. How does that work?
I would like to hear from others who had a thr, and dealing with the blood thinner issue. As for platelet management, did your doctor increase the medication to account for fluctuations? For example, if the goal is 100, did your hematologist raise the plt count to 150 prior to surgery to make sure the 100k will be there on the day of the surgery? Anything else related to this?
Thanks!  Gerlinde

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1 year 6 months ago #73295 by MelA
Replied by MelA on topic Surgery - blood thinners
Gerlinde I had both knees totally replaced in 2019 about 10 months apart.  There was no question about my platelets, my surgeon knows about ITP and didn't question my count, however he did have a count done a week before.  I can't recall now what it was.          After each surgery I was put on baby aspirin for a certain length of time - and my hematologist had a count done 2 weeks later and you know what, my count went UP while I was on the baby aspirin both times!   I am not on a treatment for ITP so can't tell you about having an increase in dosage - do know an oral surgeon wanted me to have a certain count before he would do surgery to cut the gum to get to a root, but my count ended up being ok with him.

Late last year I was put on a daily baby aspirin forever - again, my count has gone UP.   Crazy huh? 
I'm no spring chicken and have had ITP since mid-1989.

I'll tell you - a former hematologist told me she would be happy with a count of 50,000 for brain surgery.   I wanted a closer hematologist as I didn't like driving downtown so that's why I don't have her any longer.  

What is your count doing now?   Are you still on Nplate?

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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  • mrsb04
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  • ITP since 2014. Retired nurse. My belief is empower patients to be involved as much as possible in their care. Read, read, read & ALWAYS question medics about the evidence base they use.
1 year 6 months ago - 1 year 6 months ago #73297 by mrsb04
Replied by mrsb04 on topic Surgery - blood thinners
Average lifespan of platelets in ITP is generally less than 5 days as opposed to 7-10 days in none ITPers.  
Newer platelets are larger and more sticky than mature ones thus risk of thrombosis is increased. This is why treatments are supposed to be at the lowest dose possible to keep counts above 50. 
My haematologist told me at diagnosis (9 years ago) that should  I need surgery with a count above 50 I would require subcutaneous Heparin injections whilst activity was reduced. 

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1 year 6 months ago #73301 by 1wildhag13
Replied by 1wildhag13 on topic Surgery - blood thinners
I think the 'standard' for major surgery is 100k. My orthopedic surgeon wants 100k. Yes, there will be blood thinners for a month. I don't know the name yet, but whatever it will be, it has to be at the lowest dose, says my hematologist. I don't quite understand why with ITP the platelet life span is less than 5 days.

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1 year 6 months ago #73302 by MelA
Replied by MelA on topic Surgery - blood thinners
As I said - my former hematologist said a count of 50,000 for platelets would be good for brain surgery.
I don't even know what my count was for each knee replacement, my surgeon was quite knowledgeable about ITP and aware I had it.   
But you need to have or be near the count the surgeon says he/she wants.  

What is your count now wildhag?

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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