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Rituximab Side Effects Question

2 years 9 months ago #72344 by WSHELTON
Rituximab Side Effects Question was created by WSHELTON
Hello All
Had my first dose of a 4 week schedule of Rituximab and for 3 days I had Extreme pain from head to toe. Now 4 days out I'm weak and sore all over with headache. I'm afraid to continue with the next dose. Any feedback on your side effects and how you handled I would appreciate 

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2 years 9 months ago #72345 by JJ
Replied by JJ on topic Rituximab Side Effects Question
At the moment I do ritux every 12 weeks for lymphoma and have those side effects for a couple of weeks after each one. I am finding that it gets a bit worse each time! Good luck!

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2 years 9 months ago #72346 by WSHELTON
Replied by WSHELTON on topic Rituximab Side Effects Question
Thank you for your reply, sorry for your pain and good luck to you too.

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2 years 9 months ago #72347 by CindyL
Replied by CindyL on topic Rituximab Side Effects Question
I did Rituxan in 2011 and didn't have any issues with it.  I sailed through all 4 doses with flying colors.
Good luck to both of you!

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1 year 10 months ago #73050 by CJENNIGES
Replied by CJENNIGES on topic Rituximab Side Effects Question
Hi. I had my first of four Rituxin infusion on Wed.  Had a reaction 3/4 way through.  Finally finished after a push of Benadryl and was sent home. Thursday I felt good. Was able to drive. Friday, I am dizzy, lightheaded, no energy, and emotional. Anyone else get delayed side effects? How long did they last?  Thanks 

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  • midwest6708
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1 year 10 months ago #73051 by midwest6708
Replied by midwest6708 on topic Rituximab Side Effects Question
My experience was different.  I had several reactions during the first infusion, but got through it.  That evening and the next, I ran a low-grade fever and felt flu-ish.  The second infusion was much smoother, but I developed serum sickness afterward and never took the last two. 

Each Rituxan experience is probably as unique as the person who undergoes it, and no one can predict what it will be.  I hope you're feeling good by now and will have few problems going forward.   Most of all, I wish you success from having done it! 

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3 months 6 days ago #73711 by Margaret
Replied by Margaret on topic Rituximab Side Effects Question
I've just had my third treatment of rituximab. Excellent effect on platelet count - first treatment increased 20ish to 87, second up to 129, third treatment today, blood test next week. No serious side effects, but two unpleasant ones - weight increase (not huge, but uncomfortable) and fatigue (luckily I'm retired so not too disastrous, I do everything I always do, but a bit less of it, and I sleep 12 hours !!! every night). All worth it, if the count stays up-ish 🤞

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2 months 3 weeks ago #73731 by Margaret
Replied by Margaret on topic Rituximab Side Effects Question
After completing 4 weeks of Rituximab - I had good results for two weeks (22>85>129) but then two drops (>58>56). Still a reasonable count, but quite disappointing after the early improvement. I'm now back on Mychophenlate, which I really didn't want to discontinue when the haemotologist took me off it.

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2 months 2 weeks ago #73734 by MelA
Replied by MelA on topic Rituximab Side Effects Question
Margaret did you tell your hematologist you did not want to go off Mychophenlate - did give you good reason to go off it and use Rituximab? Do you have problems when your count is in the upper 50s? How long after completing the 4 weeks of Rituximab did your count drop to the 50s? Is it possible that you could still have a good response to Rituximab?

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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2 months 2 weeks ago #73735 by MelA
Replied by MelA on topic Rituximab Side Effects Question
I tried to edit my response to you Margaret to ask if ....... did your hematologist give you a good reason to go off Mychophenlate and use Rituximab
Sorry my fingers didn't get it right in the first post and I couldn't edit it to make it right

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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2 months 2 weeks ago #73738 by Margaret
Replied by Margaret on topic Rituximab Side Effects Question
Thanks Mel.
Sorry, I misspelled Mycophenolate!
The haematologist wanted me off it mainly because of possible long-term side effects (eg increased risk of cancer), but also I think to check whether I still needed a treatment, at that point.
My count dropped to 50s *during* the Rituximab treatment - increased after the first two, then dropped. I had the fourth and final treatment 10 days ago, and the subsequent blood test showed a slight further drop (58>56). I have no problems with that count but I'm concerned it hasn't stopped dropping, because Mycophenolate takes 6-8 weeks to kick in. Strangely, the haematologist said he'd see me in 6 weeks and no need for any blood tests until just before that appointment. I think this is rash. I plan to have another test in two weeks.

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