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Cured from Virus, parasite or bacteria that triggered low plts! Now free of ITP

  • Cindy1
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  • For 7 months, platelets crashed (as low as 1,000) every 10 days between IVIG treatments. I got cured 10/2017 after taking parasite destroying medicine and Rife US tx.
5 years 6 months ago #67095 by Cindy1
Hi All,
I wanted to share my story in case it is helpful to anyone. Also, hi and how are you doing to all my old PDSA friends from 2017 who helped me through that crisis time.

I have not been on any TPO, steroid, etc therapy for over a year and have not had IVIG therapy for over 1½ years with platelets stable at 260,000.

Here is a brief summary of my ITP journey… I needed IVIG every 2 weeks for 6 months (5/17-10/17) after I got an infection of some sort: virus, bacteria or parasites from a trip to Costa Rica in April 2017 that caused my body to attack it's platelets. My ITP started 2 weeks after returning from Costa Rica.

Here are some important facts:
1. ITP Course – Western Medicine– May 2017-Oct 2017
I spent May 2017 through October 2017 taking many ITP medications including NPlate, Promacta, Prednisone, Dexamethasone and getting IVIG every 2 weeks for platelet counts 1,000 – 7,000.

***I was CURED from platelet crashes and need for IVIG in October 2017 within a month of doing Rife therapy.(cell membrane destroying ultrasonic waves)***

(Over the next six months, I slowly weaned from Promacta and Prednisone)

2. Alternative Approach –Rife Therapy- September 2017
Rife Vibrant Healing Center 303-979-5736
Rife treatment uses ultrasonic waves to kill the membrane walls of the organisms targeted. In conjunction with three Rife Treatments, I took Parastroy an antiparasitic medication.
3. Alternative Approach-Avitar Machine-September 2017 to present.
Elliott Smith 303-504-3600
I got rid of any lingering viruses, fungus and bacteria and rebalanced my immune system through eastern-based homeopathy treatment. The Avitar machine checked my organs using acupressure points on my feet. Once it was determined what my body needed, Dr. Smith selected homeopathic pills and elixirs that treated viruses, fungus, and bacteria and rebalanced my immune system. Additionally, I went gluten free.

All Western medical doctors, (and I went to many well recognized specialists including in MN) believed there was no correlation between the low platelets and my trip abroad. It was believed I had an incurable autoimmune disease called idiopathic thrombocytopenia, forever. I am hoping that this letter helps you to understand that there may be a cure for ITP that is caused by a foreign organism or infection in the body. It is my hope to make as many people that can benefit from the type of treatment aware of it. Because I was to the point of being convinced that my problem was not associated with an infectious disease because the doctors kept telling me that. And whatever I had caught could NOT be found. The alternative treatment was done without any positive lab reports since infectious disease doctors were not able to find any infectious organisms in me.

I feel so blessed that I am well and I feel obligated to help others with ITP. That is why I am sharing this information with you.
Please feel free to contact me to get additional information or detail about my journey.

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  • Patc393
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  • Here to learn as much as I can for managing ITP for our child. Recently I learned that microbiome may be associated with ITP. I've been in microbiome research since 2006; we've used diet and lifestyle to help other autoimmune conditions. Very hopeful.
3 years 9 months ago #71111 by Patc393
Hi. I began to learn of your ITP management after your story posted on the warrior page. TY for being a voice in this area. Since 2006, I've been deeply involved in microbiome research. The microbiome contains bacteria, fungus, parasites, and more. The gut, having the largest microbiota load in our body, impacts 70% of our immune system. That your treatment targeted parasites would have also coincidentally modified other microbiota within the microbiome. That your platelets improved to normal limits with balance of the microbiome is fabulous. You are ahead of the curve in experimenting with, and now understanding, the power of the microbiome for ITP. In this regard, this paper caught my eye, recently published 2020 Zhang, Gut Microbiome and Metabolome Were Altered and Strongly Associated With Platelet Count in Adult Patients With Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia. If microbiome is associated with ITP, at least subgroups, diet and lifestyle can alter the microbiome in health promoting ways. We see this for other autoimmune conditions; IBD agruably is farthest along being studied were we use diet to induce remission, wean off medications, or improve response to medications. Read the paper I noted at:
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  • GrouchoMarx
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  • I would never recommend an illness that choses people like me.
3 years 8 months ago #71244 by GrouchoMarx
Are they ghost parasite, fungus or viruses that can't be seen at the microscope? I hope more research is done on this field. Another reason not to take my spleen....

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  • Cindy1
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  • For 7 months, platelets crashed (as low as 1,000) every 10 days between IVIG treatments. I got cured 10/2017 after taking parasite destroying medicine and Rife US tx.
3 years 8 months ago #71250 by Cindy1
I appreciated your article. I am reaching out to authors and to homeopathic schools trying to find a researcher.
I am looking for a researcher to lead the study "Eradication of Unidentified Organisms through Rife Ultrasonic Therapy and Homeopathics Can Cure Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)". Once I have a researcher, I will submit a RFP for this study, due by June 1, 2021, to the Platelet Disorder Support Association.

This is a needed study because similar to the many studies showing that ITP is cured when H-pylori microorganisms are eradicated, I believe our study will show that ITP caused by unidentified microorganisms can be cured. Once the unidentified organisms are eradicated through Rife ultrasonic therapy, parasite cleanse pills, and Avatar assisted homeopathics, the ITP will be cured.
Please let me know if you have any other studies that peak your interest in this area.
Be Well,

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3 years 8 months ago #71287 by kmcadams40
Hey Cindy, i read about RIFE years ago when my son got ITP at 10 yrs old with several years of under 20k platelets. He’s still 10 yrs later only around 40-50k. He’s feeling all
the pressure to get the jab, but with his current levels i can’t imagine risking adding this to his body. Have you heard anything about this? id love to talk. thanks-

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3 years 8 months ago #71293 by MelA
kmcadams your son is now 20 years old right?
He needs to make the decision as to what is best for him - only he can make that decision. What does his hematologist advise? You don't want him to have the vaccine, but how does he feel?

For me I made the decision as to whether I would want to get the vaccine or get covid and be on a ventilator etc. Easy decision for me - I could handle a lower count for a bit but sure did not want to handle a ventilator & the other things that go along with it and with covid.

I am older and my counts higher than your son - I had no trouble with it at all. The relief I felt after the 2nd Pfizer vaccine injection was really priceless!

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD
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  • mrsb04
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3 years 8 months ago - 3 years 8 months ago #71295 by mrsb04
I completely agree with Mel.
The risks are
1) vaccination with a possible a drop in count/a minuscule chance of a blood clot or
2) contract covid and possibly die.
It's a no brainer for me as far as I am concerned. This is an unprecedented time. A global pandemic which requires a vaccinated population to beat it.

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  • Cindy1
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  • For 7 months, platelets crashed (as low as 1,000) every 10 days between IVIG treatments. I got cured 10/2017 after taking parasite destroying medicine and Rife US tx.
3 years 8 months ago #71296 by Cindy1
Hi kmcadams40,
I hear you that it is frightening getting vaccinated with ITP history. I was afraid that my ITP would come back when I got the Moderna but it was worth the risk to me to be safe from getting a bad case of Covid. Thankfully, I had no ITP problem. The PDSA did a zoom a while back and said in general the majority of ITP people who got vaccinated did not have problems associated with their ITP. I think they did say ITP people should not get J&J. You might want to check into that for what is the best shot for him to take if he decides to get vaccinated.
As far as the Rife therapy goes, I never saw an article on ITP and Rife and will need to try and find it. But as you have read on my posts, I was cured wiithin one month from ITP after 3 Rife treatments, parasite cleanse pills and Avatar assisted homeopathy. I believe that the organisms that were undetectable by blood and stool samples that were in my body were eradicated through these homeopathic treatments.
Best to you and your son.
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3 years 8 months ago - 3 years 8 months ago #71305 by MelA
Are you all talking about a RIFE machine such as the spooky2 as in "Purchase Affordable Spooky2 Rife Machine to Get Rid of Cancer, Lyme and Other Conditions" (quote from the spooky2 website)??

Cindy1 - the rife machine cured your ITP, you now have a normal range count since 2017?

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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3 years 8 months ago #71354 by ananta
Thank you Cindy1 for this important topic.
I have had ITP since 2006 and experienced the various treatments and ups and downs that go with it. One month ago my platelets crashed to 1k. I was spitting blood out of my mouth when I went to ER. I was given IVIG and an IV prednisone. After 3.5 days I was sent home with a platelet count of 58k. Normally IVIG only lasts a few weeks. I started using a Healy, which is a Rife machine. I checked my platelets last Friday they were 115k (3 weeks after leaving the hospital). That is higher than I have been since 2016 the last time I did Rituxan.

Only time will tell if the Healy (which is a FDA cleared Class 2 medical devise- cleared for pain management) is helping my ITP. I figure I should know in a month or two. Micro currents (which is what Rife machines produce) have been used for years and there are many PubMed articles about their use. I suggest everyone look into Healy. There is big sale going on now for those who can afford it. They are expensive, but unlike Cindy who went to a clinic, you can now buy your own and run it using an app and your smart phone. The Spooky2 is harder to use and made by the Chinese. Healy is made in Germany and sold in 50 different countries.

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  • mrsb04
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  • ITP since 2014. Retired nurse. My belief is empower patients to be involved as much as possible in their care. Read, read, read & ALWAYS question medics about the evidence base they use.
3 years 8 months ago - 3 years 8 months ago #71355 by mrsb04
Sounds like an extremely expensive glorified TENS machine to me. I have used TENS for pain relief and it has never improved my platelet count. raises some interesting points including "Healy devices are claimed to help a wide spectrum of health problems. Their use is based on notions that may sound scientific but lack real scientific support. The FDA has cleared Healy devices for sale in the United States for temporary relief of pain, but claims made for them go far beyond what the clearance allows. Healy’s marketers even admit that there is no scientific proof that they work as advertised."
This too is very interesting
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3 years 8 months ago #71356 by ananta
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Let's see what my platelets do in the next few months.

The Healy is based on the Time Waver Frequency program that has been used in natural health clinics around Europe for the last 10 years. Two thousand practitioners have been treating clients worldwide.

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3 years 8 months ago #71358 by kmcadams40
thanku for sharing the info on the Healy! I am grateful for the many advances that have been made over the years in alternative modalities and love when people share their experiences! Thanks for encouraging us to think outside the box- i think too often we reject something just because there’s not a ton of clinical trials done around it!
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  • Cindy1
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  • For 7 months, platelets crashed (as low as 1,000) every 10 days between IVIG treatments. I got cured 10/2017 after taking parasite destroying medicine and Rife US tx.
3 years 8 months ago #71374 by Cindy1
Hi MelA,
The short answer to you question is yes, my platelets have not crashed since Oct 2017. It did take maybe 8 months for them to get back up to a stable 250 where they thankfully have stayed.
The detail which I have posted before is as follows:
I had 3 Rife sessions, I took a 2 week course of Parastroy pills from the vitamin store, and then additionally, I went to a different homeo pathic doctor and was given avatar machine guided homeopathic’s including things for eradicating
virus, fungus, parasite, etc. and for improving my adrenal and immune systems and more.

I was skeptical about Rife and homeopathic treatment but in September 1997, two friends said I had to try to do something to get well and at that point I had given up all other hope. I just had resigned myself to a life with ITP including IVIG every 7-10 days, Promacta, steroids, etc.

One friend, who I initially ignored, strongly told me again I needed to do the Rife therapy that I must have undetectable ghost parasites. Another friend said why not try her homeopathic provider. This all happened at a time when I had just given up on ever curing my ITP. So I figured, what is the harm in trying something new?

As I mentioned before, at that point I had been getting IVIG for every 7 to 10 days from May 2017 until October 2017. (The only time I did not need IVIG, Promacta, steroids during that time was when I was on triple antibiotic therapy for three weeks from about June 20, 1997 to July 4, 1997. And during that triple antibiotic treatment my platelets went up to 1 million! (I think It really points to some type of infection inside of me causing my body to create antibodies that attacked my platelets.)

Yes, the last time I needed IVIG was October 2017 after my platelets crashed to a very scary low of 1,000. This last crash was one month after I started the homeopathic’s and Rife frequency machine. By the way the machine she used was the Pro Plus. I don't know anything about the different machines.

Again before you do any treatments or homeopathy always consult your physician.
I am hoping to do an outcome based research study on people who have tried these Rife and or Homeopathy therapies.
If you would like to keep me posted if you do try this and what your outcomes are I will record your information and compile it so we can do our own study.
Even if this is a cure for a very small percent of ITP cases it is worth our effort.

Hopefully this was helpful information and not too repetitive or confusing. If you have any qustions please let me know.

Have a great day.
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  • Cindy1
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  • For 7 months, platelets crashed (as low as 1,000) every 10 days between IVIG treatments. I got cured 10/2017 after taking parasite destroying medicine and Rife US tx.
3 years 8 months ago #71376 by Cindy1
Dear Ananta,
I am so sorry you had to deal with a crash to 1,000. It is so scary! When that happened to me, I sat in the urgent care awaiting my IVIG and wrote letters to my children in case I had a bleed and did not make it. Thankfully, I got to tear those not very well written letters up.
I am so excited to hear your platelets seem to be stabilized. I hope your 1,000 crash was your last crash and that things improve from now on.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Please keep us posted on how things go for you with the Rife treatments.
If you are actually cured, which I pray you can be, please keep me posted so we can put together outcomes based information.
I forgot if you took Parasite curing medicine pills and or are adding homeopathics to erradicate virusus, mold, fungus, or to balance your immyne system or improve your adrenal health?
By the way I recently spoke with the Dr. who did my Rife and she said it usually takes more treatments to kill off the parasites than my 3 treatments.
Take care and be well.
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  • Cindy1
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  • For 7 months, platelets crashed (as low as 1,000) every 10 days between IVIG treatments. I got cured 10/2017 after taking parasite destroying medicine and Rife US tx.
3 years 8 months ago #71381 by Cindy1
Hi All, In my reply to MelA, I realized I typed the wrong date in my reply. It should have been 2017 not 1997. I am so sorry for any confusion.
See below:
I was skeptical about Rife and homeopathic treatment but in (September 1997 - wrong date), (it should have been- Sepetember 2017) two friends said I had to try to do something to get well and at that point I had given up all other hope. I just had resigned myself to a life with ITP including IVIG every 7-10 days, Promacta, steroids, etc.
If you have any questions about this revision please let me know.

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3 years 8 months ago #71387 by ananta
No Cindy, I have not done any parasite cleansing herbs.
The Healy uses 144,000 different frequencies to help balance the body. The Healy has a vast medical cloud based on 500,000 patients and uses AI to pick the frequencies your body needs to achieve balance. It can also send the frequencies of Homeopathy, Bach Flowers and other energy modalities.

Thank you for your kind wishes of health. I hope everyone who is suffering finds what they need.

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3 years 8 months ago #71390 by MelA
Cindy I'm confused - you say "undetectable parasite that caused ITP" - were these parasites ever identified, if so what type, where would they have come from?

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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  • Cindy1
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  • For 7 months, platelets crashed (as low as 1,000) every 10 days between IVIG treatments. I got cured 10/2017 after taking parasite destroying medicine and Rife US tx.
3 years 8 months ago #71391 by Cindy1
Hi Patc393,
Just wondering how things are going? Any improvements in platelet counts with your approach?
Take Care,

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  • Cindy1
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  • For 7 months, platelets crashed (as low as 1,000) every 10 days between IVIG treatments. I got cured 10/2017 after taking parasite destroying medicine and Rife US tx.
3 years 8 months ago #71392 by Cindy1
Hi ananta,
Thanks for clarifying if you did parasite pills and for sharing that very informative Healy information. I did not really look into the Rife machine. I just blindly went and got it done at my friends recommendation. It is so interesting that it can send the frequencies of homeopathics.
I am in the process of compiling a list of people who have used an alternative approach and then became cured from ITP. If I get sufficient number of cases I will present this information to ITP organizations and researchers to help the ITP providers and community learn of alternative curative treatment options.
Best and Thanks,

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  • mrsb04
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3 years 7 months ago #71394 by mrsb04
Good questions. Hopefully get an answer soon
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  • Cindy1
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  • For 7 months, platelets crashed (as low as 1,000) every 10 days between IVIG treatments. I got cured 10/2017 after taking parasite destroying medicine and Rife US tx.
3 years 7 months ago #71397 by Cindy1
Hi MelA,
No parasites or organisms were ever found through Traditional Medicine. I had multiple blood tests, one blood culture and a many stool cultures.
The Rife practitioner believed I had parasites and treated me to eradicate them. She determined this through her muscle testing.
The homeopathic practitioner found viruses, mold, microorganisms through his Avitar testing for which he gave me homeopathics.

My ITP started 2 weeks after I returned from a trip to Costa Rica so that is where I believe they came from. I think I got the "ghost" microorganism during a remote jungle adventure where I rode horses, which were probably diseased and and ate salads which were probably washed in contaminated water.
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3 years 7 months ago #71401 by MelA
Cindy excuse me for questioning but I can't understand how something that is undetectable can be a cause - since not detected it might not even be there, you never saw a parasite through Traditional Medicine and you never saw a parasite through the rife practitioner.

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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  • Cindy1
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  • For 7 months, platelets crashed (as low as 1,000) every 10 days between IVIG treatments. I got cured 10/2017 after taking parasite destroying medicine and Rife US tx.
3 years 7 months ago #71403 by Cindy1
Hi MelA,
I totally get your question. Unfortunately, I am not an expert to answer it. Perhaps you want to google some more detail than I can share. However I can share the following in case it is helpful.
There are many circumstances that contribute to me believing there was a cause for my body attacking its platelets. I think it was making antibodies against some foreign organism in my body that was never detected. And trust me I tried to find it through Traditional Medicine.
A few things I will restate at the risk of repeating myself but it is directly related to your question that made me feel something was in my body were:
*the ITP started with bruising as the symptom 2 weeks after my trip to Costa Rica,
*my platelets shot up to 1 million when I was on triple antibiotics and came back right after my antibiotic course was over,
*my ITP did not return within one month after doing Rife, and taking homeopathics targeting organisms.
I hope this answered your question a bit. If you do get additional information on how "something that is undetectable can be a cause, please share that with me. I would love to understand this more.
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3 years 7 months ago #71612 by JJ
The idea of having parasites is horrible, but imaginary ones are better than real ones I suppose.

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3 years 3 months ago #71860 by ananta
Hi Cindy1 and everyone else.
I was in the hospital in May with a count of 1k. When I left the hospital my counts were 55k. I started using the Healy medical devise as soon as I left the hospital. Three weeks later my count was at 115k.Thinking that it might be left over effects of the meds I had in the hospital, I decided to check in a couple of months. I  just had my CBC done a week ago. My platelets are now at 182k. Completely in the normal range. All my other blood numbers were completely normal. Well, my MPV was a little high. That measures how big the platelets are. Makes perfect sense since new platelets are larger and shrink as they age. So my body is churning out new platelets and my immune system is not destroying them! 

The only thing I did was use the microcurrent devise called Healy. Google it if your interested.  FSM-(frequency specific microcurrents) is going mainstream. Even the world renown hospital Cleveland Clinic is using it.
Here is a video of a before and after treatment with Healy on someone who had red blood cell problems:
So, Cindy1, you can add this to your list of natural cures. :)

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  • Cindy1
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  • For 7 months, platelets crashed (as low as 1,000) every 10 days between IVIG treatments. I got cured 10/2017 after taking parasite destroying medicine and Rife US tx.
3 years 3 months ago #71864 by Cindy1
Hi ananta,
You have more than made my day, month, year! I am so happy for your improvement from ITP that I have tears in my eyes and heart.  Also, I am so appreciative that you shared this information of your improved platelet count with the PDSA group so that others with ITP might benefit from your Healy microcurrent information.  And that Cleveland Clinic is using it is very powerful information too. Did you mention where you think you may have gotten the microorganism? I did not see it in your current post. I know for me, my ITP started within a week after my return from Costa Rica. Not sure what caused it; maybe from eating contaminated food or riding horses in the jungle. I just had my 4 year anniversary of my last IVIG treatment on Oct.16, 2021. The whole ITP thing and every 10 day IVIG for several months in 2017 is a distant surreal memory but I do have some PTSD from it. I am always a bit wary of things or places that could introduce parasites into my system again. I just try to remind myself that if it did happen again I would have a treatment for it. Thanks for allowing me to add you to my list. You are number 5 being cured of ITP after either a parasite pill and/or microcurrent treatment for parasite or unidentified microorganisms.  Here's to your being well and hopefully with your great information many others will get cured by a parasite destroying pill or the Healy microcurrents!  Best to all.Cindy

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3 years 3 months ago #71865 by stateofdesign

That's such excellent news! I'm so happy for you! Would you be able to tell us a few more details?

- Where did you buy your Healy?
- Which "program / setting" did/do you use?
- How frequently did/do you use it?
- Where did the electrodes go?
- Are you still using it?

Myself, I've been by and large "treatment resistant" since being diagnosed Nov '20 (except thankfully for the temporary spikes that IVIG produced to get my numbers up). No pharmaceutical seems to have worked so far, but that doesn't mean they haven't stopped trying. 

On Cindy's suggestion from prior posts, I searched out PEMF treatments and anti-parasite pills. I've been doing the PEMF 3x a week for a few months now. During this treatment time, my numbers got down to 2k, and I was once again given IVIG. Later that week, I started using Turkey Tail Mushroom extract 3x daily, I saw my count go from 2k to 221k in 7 days (I'd never been higher than 160k post IVIG), then the following week it went up to 291k (completely unheard of for myself). It's fallen since down to 53k, 51k, 13k (got a cold that week, started working more, and was put on 40mg daily of prednisone by my Hema), 33k, and now back up to 73k as of today! This is easily the longest amount of time I've gone without IVIG (WOOOOHOOOO). Not excited about being on prednisone right now, or the weekly NPlate shot (both of which I've been on in the past and haven't shown to work), but I'm extremely hopeful that I'm on the right track and SOMETHING is going to keep my numbers stable (wether it's the PEMF, the Turkey Tail Mushrooms, or the pharma meds has yet to be determined). 

Thanks for sharing your story about the Healy and excited to hear more about the specific details!

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3 years 3 months ago #71867 by ananta
Hello Cindy1,
Thanks for your nice comments.  Congratulations on your 4 year anniversary! 
My ITP was revealed after a bad bacterial infection. I had a carbuncle that I let get out of hand. In recovering from that my PCP did a CBC and found I had low red cells, white cells and platelets. The reds and whites recovered but the platelets did not. Did I have ITP before and was never tested? It's possible. Perhaps I got a microorganism, I've been overseas many times. Despite all our great science, the human body is still full of unknowns. I'm reading a book right now called "The Secret Language of Cells" . It has a whole chapter on what platelets do. Platelets themselves attack bacteria, fungus, protozoa and many viruses! Who knew?

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3 years 3 months ago #71868 by ananta
Congratulations on 3 weeks of no IVIG! 
Myself, before I had the usual rounds of prednisone and dexamethasone. Then I went on to Rituxan. My first Rituxan remission lasted 4.5 years, my second 3.5 years and my third time, maybe a year. Of course during those years things changed and doctors came to see that most people with counts above 30 don't need to be treated. So I haven't had to treat since 2016. Until this last May. I certainly hope that you find something that works for you.
About Healy, I used the programs called Pure, and Care, Immune System, and Spleen/Pancreas. The first two help the body deal with toxins in the environment. I also used Digest All, and Circulation. I used it pretty much daily. Healy has wristbands that snap to the wires and then to the wearable machine. There is also a coil that does the same thing without wires, which is super convenient! I am still using it, but I've graduated to other programs. Healy is sold through Multi-Level- Marketing. Yeah, I know, I also rejected it more than a year ago hearing that. But when my husband tried one, and his ongoing neck pain disappeared in 20 minutes, I decided to take a second look. It's a great product with lots of satisfied customers. 

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