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Horrible itchy rash!

8 months 4 days ago #73588 by JandS
Horrible itchy rash! was created by JandS
Hi! My husband was diagnosed with ITP 3 years ago. It's been the usual roller-coaster ride, but with the help of a fine hematologist, he's doing all right-- BUT for the last few months, he's had an itchy rash that won't quit. It's pretty much everywhere, tho it moves around. Our hemo and derma MDs have consulted, and are baffled. They thought it might have been from the rituximab infusions 6 months ago, but have pretty much ruled that out. Skin biopsies are inconclusive. They think it's eczema/dermatitis-- but nothing helps, not even steroid shots, Dupixent, anti-itch creams, etc.

It's kind of a misery. We're wondering if anyone else has had this situation...? And we'll appreciate any suggestions about dealing with it!

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8 months 3 days ago #73589 by MelA
Replied by MelA on topic Horrible itchy rash!
Hi! I have not heard of anyone having an itchy rash due to ITP. Could this be a type of contact dermatitis? Have you changed laundry detergents or fabric softener or laundry booster? I'm sure the dermatologist has already asked you that.

I hope you can find an answer and get that itchy rash gone, that must be miserable for your husband! Keep us posted!!

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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8 months 1 day ago #73593 by JandS
Replied by JandS on topic Horrible itchy rash!
Hi, MelA-- and thank you for your response. We've changed pretty much all of our soaps, etc. and it hasn't made a difference. We appreciate your empathy, though-- it helps! Best, JandS

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