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Gout and other issues

13 years 2 weeks ago #21929 by krmcguire68
Gout and other issues was created by krmcguire68
I posted this earlier in the general area, but didn't realize that there was a man cave. Great idea by the way! I was diagnosed in December 2001 but had symptoms for about 6 months prior (34 years old at the time). My first cbc was actually a result of a huge, very painful, gout attack in my elbow. I don't recall what my numbers were at first, but over the course of the next 4 - 5 months, they plummeted to near nonexistant. I had the splenectomy in 2002 and my numbers have been great (400's) ever since. I tried all the normal treatments (i.e. vinchristine, HUGE amounts of prednisone, cyclosporine, IvIg, Danazol and H. Pylori treatment, which nearly killed me.).

Does anybody else struggle with gout and, if so, do you think it has anything to do with ITP? Also, I have been having problems with ED since the day I started taking prednisone. Is that common? The only medications I take now are allipurinol and cholcrys for gout. Sorry if I inappropriately posted this in the general area earlier.

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13 years 2 weeks ago - 13 years 2 weeks ago #21955 by Dean
Replied by Dean on topic Re: Gout and other issues
Welcome to the "Man Cave"!! Glad to hear a positive outcome of a Splenectomy!! Never had Gout so I cannot help you much with that. I have had 3 bouts of cellulitis wich were not fun, especially in the knee area. Not sure if that had any bearing on ITP or not. I do not believe Gout can cause ITP but the "I" in ITP stands for Idiopathic, meaning unknown cause. So who knows what actually triggers the disorder. I feel my ITP was due to a Viral infection. As far as ED, well, that can be due to any number of things. Meds can certainly affect this. Have you ever had a Testosterone level check? Low Testosterone can affect energy levels, sexual desire/function. I am on a Testosterone thearpy, patch form as my level was low. Mental Health can also affect this issue. Have you discussed this with your Dr?
Your previous post was not inappropriate, a few of us are just trying to get more guys to the Man Cave to discuss Man issues associated with ITP or just to chat.

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13 years 1 week ago #22024 by krmcguire68
Replied by krmcguire68 on topic Re: Gout and other issues
Thanks Dean. I did just get my test. checked and it was a bit low (around 200 I think)so I will pursue that with my new Dr.

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13 years 1 week ago #22032 by Dean
Replied by Dean on topic Re: Gout and other issues
Let me know what the Dr. decides to treat with. Iron level may be another thing to have tested. Age may also be a factor in ED. Testosterone levels tend to decrease as Men get older.

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