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1. You must be a registered website user in order to post and comment. Guests may read only.
2. Be kind and helpful, not rude and cynical.
3. Don't advertise or promote anything. You will be banned from the group.
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Welcome to the new discussion group

  • youngjoan
  • Topic Author
  • Offline
  • I founded PDSA after recovering from ITP (7 failed treatments,zero count.) Read my story on the web site (search on 'success story.)Read more about me and my book, Wish by Spirit, at
15 years 4 weeks ago - 15 years 4 weeks ago #11 by youngjoan
Welcome to the new discussion group was created by youngjoan
PDSA is moving the discussion group to this new format. This will allow PDSA to integrate a Web sign-on with the discussion group sign-on and add features that are not currently available.

The current discussion group will be gradually phased out. In the next week or so it will be switched to 'read-only' and will be available in that mode for a year or so.

If you participated in the 'old' discussion group, you will need to register again for this one since they are not linked. It would be helpful if you used the same username to help people recognize you.

Thank you for participating. We welcome your comments and feedback.

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