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12 years 4 months ago #23860 by julie sarri
qestion was created by julie sarri
the marks that were on my sons arms and legs have gone only a few faint ones the bruses have also faded and are going was woundering if this a good sign he has had no more mayor bruses and no more marks he also looks a much better colour was very pale befor he has olive skin tone so we really noticed how pale he looked how offten dose he have to have a blood test done he had one last week and we havent herd anything back since will he need to have any more vatinations he is up to date with everthing except the booter for mmr which he will have once he is 3 before he starts nursrey school and if he gets ill like a cold is this some thing to worry about he has a twins sister and i am worried if she gets a cold and passes it to him or even me or my husband

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