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S. Aureus/ Staph Aureus & ITP Observations

1 month 4 weeks ago #73695 by Lupa
Hi There,

Wondering if others have noticed any of the following in your loved one with ITP that we've seen with our son:
  • Overpopulation of S. Aureus in G.I. (from 3 G.I. mapping of gut flora)
  • Cavities (2 that required extraction)
  • Pimple like bumps on rear end (especially when counts are below 20k)
  • Itchy nose (ENT saw crusting that he suspected was Staph, but couldn't test due to recent nose bleed events)
​​​​​​Our son was diagnosed 3 years ago, just before turning 3. We have gone through a number of treatments and medical interventions to stop nose bleeds. As a long time reader, but first time poster, I'm interested to know if these potential S. Aureus related symptoms are unique for his case, or if others with ITP (particularly children) have similar observations.

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