I don't know about the drugs and contraindications. One of my nephews was diagnosed as ADD and took them for a while. My sister found a natural practitioner who does a body scan that is based on the technology that NASA uses. She swears that when he read the scan back to her that he knew things about her boys (youngest has asthma) and their behavior that he couldn't possibly have known. He said that the older one didn't have ADD, that his body had never flushed the mercury from his childhood innoculations. Both boys were put on some natural drops and both improved...
I'm naturally skeptical about a lot of "natural" since there is no real regulation and quality control on a lot of the remedies and no real guidelines on proper dosing. However, this seemed to really work for the boys.
"I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.\" — Mark Twain\\\\\\"Worry is a misuse of the imagination.\" — Dan Zadra