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First to Post!! Waiting for CBC

15 years 4 weeks ago #2 by lucidawn
First to Post!! Waiting for CBC was created by lucidawn
We are sitting in the hospital waiting for the CBC, and then we will go home. This seems like a cut little board. Its a little more complicated to use, though. :S I will use the smilies...just because they are cute. I will post later with the results of the CBC. I'm tired...not sure what to expect of the CBC.

Donna Ingold
Mom to Kelly 22, Karen 21, Josiah 19 (Congenital Heart Defect, MS), Timothy 17 (Chronic Refractory ITP-dx 5/03, Asthma), Isaac 15(blind left eye).

Allergic and Refractive to WinRho
Shortlived small response to IVIg(a few days of 30k or less).
0-1k since September 2010
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