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liam is starting school

15 years 3 weeks ago #164 by liam12
liam is starting school was created by liam12
hi,my mane is Jenny,my son Liam is 4 years old and was diagnosed with itp in April last year
his platelet levels were 7 .He has had all the other tests to rule out any other nasties,in the last 10 months he has had steroids ,wich are fine if you dont take into account the side effects or that the last time he was on them for one week his levels only went up to 40. Without the steroids his levels are consistently at around 20-25 give or take.Liam is due to start school this weekand i am more worried than ever about wether he will be ok,mid you he can hold his own as he has 2 older btothers.Liam is beig seen//treated at The Royal Childrens Hospital in Melbourne,Australia,his heamatologist reasures us he will be fine,I am absolutely petrified as i wont be with him to constantly remind him to slow down,stop climbing etc.. We have tried naturapaths and other herbs ,all to no avail.For some unknown reason i expected his levels to go up just before he started school,and when they didnt the dissapointment was nearly as bad as hearing it for the first time.Its been great to let off some steam and emotion.Thankyou,it would be great to hear from anyone,Jenny

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  • Angel85
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  • I am 27 years old from Australia and I have T.A.R Syndrome. My email address is not showing on my profile for some reason so it is for anyone who wants to send me an email.
15 years 3 weeks ago #168 by Angel85
Replied by Angel85 on topic Re: liam is starting school
Hi Jenny,

Sorry you have had to find this forum, but it is a great resource for ITP and has wonderful helpful members. I am also from Australia, I live in Newcastle in NSW and I am 24 and have been dealing with low platelets all my life, so i can understand what Liam would be going through and that at his age he wouldn't be able to understand much of what his happening to him.

I am currently on prednisone at the moment and i hate it too, so i feel sorry for him having to have that at such a young age. I wouldn't let him stay on it for a long period of time, I had it for quite a long time when i was younger and i hated what it did to me and my mum also hated to see what it was doing to me too.

It is scary thinking about what could happen, but platelets at 20 and over, you can function normally and do most every day activities, so try not to worry too much and just let him enjoy being at school with the other kids and i'm sure his teachers will watch over him as well if you explain to them what he has. I have to admit even now at my age, my mother still worries about me when my platelets are really low and always says before i leave be careful, i think it is just a mother's job to worry about her kids.

I feel dissapointed every time my counts come back low, it feels like you have to start all over again.

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15 years 3 weeks ago #174 by dots
Replied by dots on topic Re: liam is starting school
This is the letter we gave to the head of our son's school when he started kindergarten, as well as all the staff who might be in contact with him. We have adapted it over the last few years, but it has all the information we wanted the school to have, since they didn't know him at all yet. We give them the letter every year, as he no longer gets tested weekly, and his infusions are less frequent. It's about two pages long.

I hope the school's administration is understanding and willing to work with you. The parents here have dealt with every possible situation at school, and are a great resource.

Good luck, and I hope Liam has a great time at school!

We would like to give you some information about our son ________’s medical condition, immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a non-contagious blood disorder in which his platelets are destroyed by his immune system. The low platelet count predisposes him to easy bruising, which may occur after minor trauma or for no apparent reason; petechiae, pinpoint reddish-purple spots that often occur in groups and may look like a rash; and slow to resolve nosebleeds, which, gratefully, are rare. In children, ITP is usually acute and of short duration, but ______ was diagnosed in 2003, and has had it long enough for it to be considered chronic. It’s possible that it will resolve itself, as can happen even after several years. In the meantime, we’re learning to live with it.

Harry is under the regular care of Dr. __________, a hematologist at ________________, where we get his blood checked frequently, sometimes as often as once a week. His check-ups can take all morning, depending on whether the doctor is running late and/or ________ is willing to leave. (Yes, they have a great playroom.) Unfortunately, the doctor is often late for our appointments, since he sees his patients in the hospital before going to the clinic to see his outpatients.

__________ gets infusions of gamma globulin (IVIG) intravenously at the center every six weeks or so, and sometimes more frequently. The infusion procedure lasts all day, and there is no way to shorten the duration of the treatment. The IVIG surrounds his platelets so that they are not destroyed so quickly. In a healthy person, the normal range for the platelet count is 150,000 to 450,000; _______’s count is in the normal range after an infusion, after which it drops over time, sometimes precipitously, until it reaches 25,000 or less, and then he is infused again. Once his platelet level drops below 25,000, there is an extremely slight risk of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), which is the primary reason we treat him.

This potential for intracranial bleeding is our greatest concern. Although very rare, an ICH can be fatal. If _________ hits his head or his neck, or if he is hit in the abdomen, you must contact us immediately, so we can determine whether he needs acute medical care. We also ask that you contact us if he is lethargic or vomiting, for the same reason. If he has a significant nosebleed, please call if it takes longer than ten minutes to stop, or if you notice any sudden, new, big bruises.

Depending on his platelet count, timing of treatment or ongoing bruising, we may limit or restrict ________’s activities, and we will keep you informed as necessary. There will be days when we won’t want him to participate in gym, and we will need to figure out alternatives ahead of time. As you have seen, _________ is a happy, active child, and we want him to be as active as his classmates. So far it hasn’t been necessary to inform the children in _________’s classes about his ITP, but that may change as they get older and as his friends notice that he misses more school than others in the class. We will make arrangements for someone to come to speak to the class if necessary.

The IVIG has not had any apparent effect on ________’s cognitive development. The treatment is not chemotherapy and there have been no other untoward effects. He has not required transfusions of any kind. He responds well to the treatments and they seem to hold him for about a month and a half at this point, as mentioned above, but the intervals have been as long as thirteen weeks and as short as four. He does not require the administration of any medication at school. We are always on the lookout for any emotional changes based on his frequent medical visits and treatments -- there don’t seem to be any that are significant.

We will keep you updated if there are any changes in _______’s needs. We have not yet determined whether any special accommodations will need to be made for him; if so, we will let you know and discuss with you as soon as possible.

_________’s safety is paramount. We appreciate your working with us to ensure his well-being. We are, of course, available to discuss any of this with you, and to answer any questions you or other staff may have. Please feel free to contact either of us at any time. __________’s doctors’ numbers are below as well for your reference.

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15 years 2 weeks ago #197 by liam12
Replied by liam12 on topic Re: liam is starting school
Thankou for you feed back and advice,it is much appreciated.
I am amazed at how much information i have found after reading some of the discussions.
Its amazing how children with itp in different places are being treated with different treatments,ITS GIVEN ME ALOT TO THINK ABOUT,THANKYOU FOR THE COPY OF THE LETTER TO THE SCHOOL,ive been racking my brain trying to come up with one without seeming like a freaked out ,overprotective mother!! THANKYOU

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15 years 2 weeks ago #205 by Angeleyes75
Replied by Angeleyes75 on topic Re:liam is starting school
My son was dx in oct 08 we had quite low counts for the first six months also having ivig at least once a month in that time. He was on steriods for a period of time but was stop due to not altering his levels only his mood. At the moment we have been hovering around the 50-60 although we have had a few lower drops in between but nothing that has required treatment. We just recently moved to country area so had to start a new child care centre, printing the booklets off this site has helped them understand more. He is a very active 3 yr that has no fear and would do anything to ride his brothers dirt bike. There are days when I get really worried especially if I see an increase in his bruising, but we just make sure on those days we do a less physical activity normally go for a swim. His child care also plans around him on days when we suspect he might be low they make sure when they have outside playtime they give him quite activities that he enjoys. Helps to distract him from the climbing equipment but doesn't make him feel left out.

As someone else said it's a mothers instinct to worry about her children.
Your only a phone call away if needed.

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15 years 2 weeks ago #206 by dots
Replied by dots on topic Re:liam is starting school
It's okay to seem like a freaked-out protective mother, particularly if you're freaking out. ;)

My son seems to stabilize at about 35k, with drops low enough to cause big bruises and petechiae. We get him to the doc, and he's not low enough for IVIG because his count's come back up by the time we get him there. This is our current cycle. At 35k I still don't feel he should participate in gym, but since we don't know his count from minute to minute, I've had to get used to the idea that I can't keep him wrapped up in bubblewrap.

And so far, he's been okay.

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15 years 2 weeks ago #241 by liam12
Replied by liam12 on topic Re:liam is starting school
;) Thanks for advise every one.I had a meeting with Liams principal and teacher today,it went very well,i modified the letter posted and it was alot easier than what i thought,they were very understanding and even asked me if the hospital ran ino days in wich they could attend to find out more about it.
Iput all the relevent info in a plastic see through folder with Liams photo, d.o.b necessary contact numbers,ambulance subsription number,itp @20-25k and please do not administer any asprin on th front cover just under his photo.,
The school thought it was a great idea,because it would be easy to find in an emergency without havinh to flick through all the pages in this folder,
Im still nervous about his first day on Friday,but at least i know the have all the info requied plus more!!!! BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY! PS Im still a little freaked out!
Jenny. :unsure:

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15 years 2 weeks ago #266 by dbishop
Replied by dbishop on topic Re:liam is starting school
Don't ever feel bad about being a freaked out just shows how much you love your child. I can't say that it ever gets easier just find ways to cope with it.

Good luck,

Mommy to Devyn 3 years old

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15 years 1 week ago #397 by liam12
Replied by liam12 on topic Re:liam is starting school
hi everyone,liam started school ,all went well,he did survive without me! He had a little blood nose this week,and has some petichia which he normally doesnt get,even when his platelet is under 10k he only has a tiny little bit,im not sure weather to take him for his blood tests to check levels and disrupt his school day,or just wait and see hiw he goes. Not knowing gets me so anxious and nervous. it would be great if they came up with a self testing kit for home use,this would relieve alot of anxiety for alot of us!!!! have a great day ,jenny.

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15 years 1 week ago #446 by camacho19
Replied by camacho19 on topic Re:liam is starting school
my son was diagnosed last dec when he was 3 and a half so when he started school i was nervous. nothing has happened to where he has to go to the hospital, but he has had some pretty bad bruises where he does not slow down for anything. i talkied to his teachers who call me everytime he gets hurt or bump his head so that i am aware of all that goes on. my sons platelet counts are real low to, lately they have been between 5 and 27. i understand what you are going through but as long as you educate his teachers he should do judt fine. i also take other activities for my son to do during outside time like coloring or blowing bubbles so that other kids will do it with him.

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  • Angel85
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  • I am 27 years old from Australia and I have T.A.R Syndrome. My email address is not showing on my profile for some reason so it is for anyone who wants to send me an email.
15 years 1 week ago #466 by Angel85
Replied by Angel85 on topic Re:liam is starting school
Good to hear he got through the day. I think he will be just fine. I think sometimes ignorance is better. I find if i know they are low, i stress more then if i just think they might be low.

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15 years 1 week ago #506 by nadia
Replied by nadia on topic Re:liam is starting school
Been reading the discussions for a while but my first post. My son was diagnosed june09 aged 4yrs and started nursery in the following September. I contacted the school before he started and discussed itp with them unfortunatly it seems quite rare in the UK and nobody in his school knew of the condition. One of the stipulations that I put in his letter to the school was that on the very unlikely event of Zac being knocked unconcious that they were not to contact me first but get emergency help, this may seem over-protective but whilst they are looking for contact numbers an ambulance could be on its way. Also I was told that the pin prick bruising is similar to a meningitus rash so everyone who comes in contact has to be aware that Zac doesn't have this. Lastly after reading other links on this site I have now ordered Zac a medical alert sports bracelet that he picked himself, so even if he is with a new teacher or on a school trip I feel a little better about him being at school.

Hello to everyone,

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15 years 4 days ago #587 by liam12
Replied by liam12 on topic Re:liam is starting school
hello everyone,ive been keeping up with the posts and feel like im getting to know some of you,sometimes i find myself thinking of the kids and how their counts are. liams are low this week,he had a fall and hit his head,he was nearly admitted ,but because we didnt want a ct scan on his head< HIS OBSERVATIONS WERE FINE> the let us go home.
We will be back to heamo next tuesday. i have come across a group on facebook called TEAM STEPHANIE that i have joind ,although vey sad its for a great cause.Its to help raise money and awareness for itp.Its also based in America,ita a shame for me as i would have liked to volunteer a litte time,if anyone gets a chance look it up and see what tou think,ps ypu might need a box of tissues! thanks jenny

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15 years 4 days ago #595 by liam12
Replied by liam12 on topic a bad bump on the head.
liam12 wrote:

hello everyone,ive been keeping up with the posts and feel like im getting to know some of you,sometimes i find myself thinking of the kids and how their counts are. liams are low this week,he had a fall and hit his head,he was nearly admitted ,but because we didnt want a ct scan on his head< HIS OBSERVATIONS WERE FINE> the let us go home.
We will be back to heamo next tuesday. i have come across a group on facebook called TEAM STEPHANIE that i have joind ,although vey sad its for a great cause.Its to help raise money and awareness for itp.Its also based in America,ita a shame for me as i would have liked to volunteer a litte time,if anyone gets a chance look it up and see what tou think,ps ypu might need a box of tissues! thanks jenny

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