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Grace's counts

15 years 4 weeks ago #13 by cassie thompson
Grace's counts was created by cassie thompson
Grace's counts have stayed between 20-30,000 for a few months now they use to be between 1-10,000 yet they still remain low. She has had ITP for almost 1 year now. Any thoughts on if it sounds like she is getting better? I don't get to many answers from the hemo. seems like they are so used to dealing with more severe cases.

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15 years 4 weeks ago #16 by alisonp
Replied by alisonp on topic Re:Grace's counts
Poor Grace, a whole year is a long time for a little kid!

I keep wondering what "getting better" involves too. My son had 6 months of counts 1-10 then 124 in late November (after flu), 33 in mid December, and 60 last week. The impression I get from the consultant is that any change upwards after a long time at the bottom of the range is a step to recovery - we don't go back to the hospital for another 3 months. However, this IS only an impression, because I sometimes feel that he tells me what he thinks I want to hear! When my son first got ill, we were told that he would be better in 6 months - now that has been and gone two months ago, I've realised lately that I'm now thinking that itp will definitely be history by the 1 year mark - my best friend says that I am sounding desperate! Lol. I am keeping the faith though......

Heres hoping that Grace does improve some more soon anyway :)


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15 years 4 weeks ago #17 by lucidawn
Replied by lucidawn on topic Re:Grace's counts
The hard truth is that there is just no way to know. ITP is just unpredictable. Once you have had it, even the acute form, it can come back any time in your life, even year later. Timothy has been all over the place. His Hemonc is perplexed. Of course he says Tim is extremely rare...his case, that is. His ITP started at age 11 and we were told it would likely never come back. He went into remission immediately after one dose of IVIg, for a year. Then he relapsed. Then he had IVIg again, three times and was found to be refractive to it. So winrho brought him up and he remitted for another year to normal counts. Then he relapsed. We did WinRho that time and IVIg and steroids. He was found refractive to all of them, but his counts came up to around 60k and stayed for a year. Then he relapsed again to where he is now and he is refractive so far to everything they have tried: IVIg, WinRho, Steroids, Rituxan, Promacta. So, you can't tell by trending up or down whether they are going to be acute or chronic. You just have to wait and see. Try not to worry about it. Just ride it out and let it be what it is. That way you won't drive yourself crazy with worry and you won't get your hopes dashed every time its not what you expect.

That's how we ride the roller coaster.

Donna Ingold
Mom to Kelly 22, Karen 21, Josiah 19 (Congenital Heart Defect, MS), Timothy 17 (Chronic Refractory ITP-dx 5/03, Asthma), Isaac 15(blind left eye).

Allergic and Refractive to WinRho
Shortlived small response to IVIg(a few days of 30k or less).
0-1k since September 2010
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