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8 year old, Acute Itp for 3 months, close to trying Rituximab

3 years 4 months ago #71757 by DawnS.
My 8 year old daughter was diagnosed with acute ITP early June. She had a platelet count of 9,000. She did a 7 day course of 60mg prednisone. 3 weeks later she had another drop to 5,000. We tried the prednisone again, this time it lasted less than two weeks. We then tried IVIG treatment. The side effects were awful for her (asceptic meningitis) and she only go up to about 50 for about a week. She had another drop and we decided to do another round of steroids. Again, they didn't even last two weeks before she had another drop to 5,000. She is ANA and DAT positive so she has also been on Hydrochloroquin for about 4 weeks. The side effects from the steroids have been awful for her. She is just about 3 months into this but we are already talking about secondary treatments of Rituxan this week or next. Does anyone have experience administering Rituxan this soon this early in the ITP cycle? We are just feeling helpless. Any thoughts or experiences are appreciated. also, have you administered Rituxan during the pandemic?

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3 years 4 months ago #71766 by MelA
I'm so sorry you daughter has ITP - know that has to be a worry for you!!
Can hydrochloroquin cause ITP? Just asking as I do not know its side effects.
Is she seeing a pediatric hematologist? That's what I would want if I had a young one with ITP (I'm an adult with it since 1989).

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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3 years 4 months ago #71767 by DawnS.
Yes, we see a pediatric hematologist at least once a week. It's a lot and very exhausting! The hope with the hydrochloronique is that it would quiet some of the antibodies that are attacking her platelets. It takes 4-6 weeks to work and we are currently on week 4 hoping it kicks in!

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3 years 4 months ago #71769 by MelA
I hope it helps with her platelets too. My heart goes out to you - my best to you, your daughter and your family!

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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1 year 3 months ago #73357 by Saramkg
Do you have any update on your daughter’s case?

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