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14 years 5 months ago #7447 by CindyL
curious was created by CindyL
Just wondering if there are different "forms" of anemia. My dad has just been diagnosed as anemic. It couldn't have happened at a worse time; our doctor is moving to another Province. He did say he would follow up with my dad from PEI.

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14 years 5 months ago #7449 by donswife48
Replied by donswife48 on topic Re:curious
From what I've read, yes there are different forms of anemia. You can be low on iron, or low on B12, or you can have anemia because of your immune system destroying your red blood cells (the same as with platelets). I'm trying to read up about it because Don has been anemic for several years (before ITP), and his hemoglobin count was 8.43 last week. The hemo doc ran tests, hopefully he has some info for him tomorrow that will explain why his count keeps dropping.

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14 years 5 months ago #7452 by plopper
Replied by plopper on topic Re:curious
Yes, there are different kinds of anemia. I have a bunch of them. I have hemolytic anemia, where my immune system eats my red blood cells. Then I have B12 anemia where I have low B12, and I also have iron deficient anemia, meaning I don't have enough iron.

It's all very complicated, and one kind of anemia sometimes hides another, so you need to check the ferritin levels, the hemoglobin levels, the retic count and B12 levels. Also look at the size of the Red blood cells or the MCV value.

When my hemolytic anemia is acting up, I need Predisone to raise my red blood cell count. When my iron deficiency is bad, I need to take iron to raise it. When my B12 levels drop, I need more B12 shots.

Not to mention, folate levels.

It's a big puzzle, my blood issues.

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14 years 5 months ago #7453 by CindyL
Replied by CindyL on topic Re:curious
Thanks, guys! I don't know exactly what dad's blood test showed. I do know he has to have more blood work done. Is it something I should worry about? He's 82.

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14 years 5 months ago #7457 by plopper
Replied by plopper on topic Re:curious
IT could be something as simple as a sudden malabsorption of iron or B12. My mom was on protonix for 4 months and became anemic, and we were very worried. But she started taking Floradix, twice a day and her numbers came up. I guess the protonix was making her stomach produce less acid which meant it was harder to absorb the iron. Alot of people don't know that can happen, and I think her doctor even told her it wasn't related, but I've heard too many stories to not believe it.

As we age, we are less able to absorb B12 from our food too. It could be B12 issues, which would be an easy fix.

I know it's hard, but try not to worry.

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14 years 5 months ago #7463 by donswife48
Replied by donswife48 on topic Re:curious
Wow Plopper, thanks for the heads up on Protonix. Don was prescribed Protonix when he was put on Prednisone, then when he was taken off Pred, they never took off Protonix. All his RBC's keep going down each week, and he just asked the hemo doc if he could stop Protonix doc said to try it. Wouldn't that be great for him if stopping that helps?

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14 years 5 months ago #7464 by CindyL
Replied by CindyL on topic Re:curious
Thanks, plopper. Maybe I'll find out more when we go over for supper on Saturday.

And I'll try not to worry. :)

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14 years 5 months ago #7492 by plopper
Replied by plopper on topic Re:curious
That would be awesome if stopping Protonix raises the count, but he may still need a boost of some iron or B12 to fill up his reserves.

My mom was pale as a ghost, and stopping the protonix was not an option. The Floradix works so well because it's liquid (ferrous gluconate) and you don't risk the GI bleeding as with the ferrous sulfate tablets they usually prescribe. The liquid gets absorbed right away, so you don't have to worry about space it a long time away from your thyroid meds or calcium or what have you.

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  • Sandi
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  • Sandi Forum Moderator Diagnosed in 1998, currently in remission. Diagnosed with Lupus in 2006. Last Count - 344k - 6-9-18
14 years 5 months ago #7508 by Sandi
Replied by Sandi on topic Re:curious
Ha - those ferrous sulfate are nasty. I can only take 2 a week.

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14 years 5 months ago #7511 by donswife48
Replied by donswife48 on topic Re:curious
Your right plopper. Don got the results today on the iron blood tests. It looks like Ferritin is low normal (36), iron is low (21), tot iron binding cap high (436) and % transferrin sat (5). Doc wasn't in today, but apparently told the nurses that Don would get iron IV next week (I think Don got mixed up cause he later said shot). Oh, and platelets dropped from 99 last week to 19 today.

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14 years 5 months ago #7588 by plopper
Replied by plopper on topic Re:curious
It could be a shot - they have iron shots now. But if they do the IV, make sure he knows that you can have a reaction to it. They usually pretreat with benedryl and tylenol. Some folks experience low back and joint pain the day after an infusion, - so he needs to be aware of that. It takes 3 months to build good red blood cells, so it's not an instant fix, but if that's all it takes to remedy the situation, that's FANTASTIC.

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