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Good luck Trev & Chot!

14 years 6 months ago #7228 by julia
Good luck Trev & Chot! was created by julia
I know Chot doesn't check in here much at the min but i know there are still people on here who remember and care.
Trev desperatley needs a hip replacement due to necrosis but with a count of upto 10k they have found a doc who will do the operation with platelet transfusions! They are terrified bout the op understanderbly and he will be in intensive care for a good while.
Its scheduled for 26th August then they will do the other.
Scary stuff! Prayers and best wishes to them both and the family.
Stay safe guys!
Julia x

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  • Sandi
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  • Sandi Forum Moderator Diagnosed in 1998, currently in remission. Diagnosed with Lupus in 2006. Last Count - 344k - 6-9-18
14 years 6 months ago #7233 by Sandi
Replied by Sandi on topic Re: Good luck Trev & Chot!
Thanks so much for letting us know, Julia! I've been wondering how Cathy is doing swinging on her rope and how Trev is making out.

If and when you hear something, please let us know!

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14 years 6 months ago #7237 by CindyL
Replied by CindyL on topic Re: Good luck Trev & Chot!
Yes, Julia, thanks for posting about Cathy and Trev! Give them my best if you're in touch with them.

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14 years 6 months ago #7253 by julia
Replied by julia on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
I will keep you updated when i hear anything & pass your best on. Chot doesn't know yet ive posted this but i dont think she will mind as i knew there would be people missing them on here. I keep in touch with her on Facebook if anyone has it.
If it works out for Trev i think he will be swinging on her rope like Tarzan!
It sounds very risky but needs to be done. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed x
Julia x

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14 years 6 months ago #7255 by juliannesmom
Replied by juliannesmom on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Risky, yes, but worth it. They've been wanting this so long, and have been through so much. I'm hoping this is Trev's chance to get active and enjoy life again. Good luck, Trev! Hang in there, Cathy!

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14 years 6 months ago #7261 by
Replied by on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Amen to that Norma!

Thank you Julia for letting us know what is going on - please do pass on our thoughts and best wishes to Cathy & Trev. And thank you for keep us up to date!

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14 years 6 months ago #7262 by Lorie85
Replied by Lorie85 on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
I'll keep them in my prayers

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14 years 6 months ago #7283 by tacmom
Replied by tacmom on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Glad to hear that it's finally going to happen for Trevor but sorry to hear that his count never really improved! :( Praying that all goes well with his surgery and that he does his first happy dance soon!

Pauline-mom of Tiffany (age 14) and Caitlin (Chronic ITP, UCTD -age 13)

Diagnosed: 03/02/07
Current count (Feb 2011): 138
Current dose: 1 mcg/kg

Treatments tried: IVIG (doesnt work), Prednisone (sometimes works with high doses), Nplate (2 years on it-worked, but had to be taken off due to...

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14 years 5 months ago #7676 by julia
Replied by julia on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Well, today's the day for the op! Ill let you know when Chot checks in, she has a 90min drive home after hospital with unlit Kangaroo ridden roads but somehow i dont expect her to be ready for bed when she gets home.
Thinking of them all

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14 years 5 months ago #7678 by RAD
Replied by RAD on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
It is now 10.00pm in NSW Australia and I am thinking of Cathy and especially Trev and hoping that the surgery is now finished and that Trev is safely tucked into his hospital bed in Intensive Care and now they can all breathe a sigh of relief even though he is not out of the woods yet.

I hope Cathy is now nearly on top of the world and she is safely at home or in a motel in Canberra.

Lots of love


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14 years 5 months ago #7679 by
Replied by on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
I pray all went well and Trev has a smooth recovery with no bumps in the road!! And that Cathy made it home safely! Bless them!

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  • Sandi
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  • Sandi Forum Moderator Diagnosed in 1998, currently in remission. Diagnosed with Lupus in 2006. Last Count - 344k - 6-9-18
14 years 5 months ago #7695 by Sandi
Replied by Sandi on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Yes, please let us know! I hope it all went successfully and Trev can get around better!

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14 years 5 months ago #7719 by julia
Replied by julia on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Thankfully Chot wrote this message on fb and i tried putting it on here this am but the server was down.

He did it tough, no epidural cos of the risk of bruising/bleeding to the spine.still in ICU and they are packing him with platelets...pain now under control and so fa so good!! GOD BLESS THOSE WHO GIVE BLOOD!!!!

I'm so happy for Trev and it must be such a relief to Chot.

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14 years 5 months ago #7720 by julia
Replied by julia on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
said that i DIDNT want to go thru another day like that , and had a worse one...not saying anyhing anymore..bloodywell jinxed BLESS BLOOD DONORS AND NURSES!!!!

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  • Sandi
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  • Sandi Forum Moderator Diagnosed in 1998, currently in remission. Diagnosed with Lupus in 2006. Last Count - 344k - 6-9-18
14 years 5 months ago #7729 by Sandi
Replied by Sandi on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
More details would be nice, but I'll take what I can get and be grateful for that!

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14 years 5 months ago #7734 by CindyL
Replied by CindyL on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
It's great to hear that Trev made it through the surgery! Please keep us posted. I personally don't do the facebook thing 'cause I don't trust it. I do have an account, but don't use it.

I'm confused tho, why would he need an epidural, wouldn't he have been put out?

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14 years 5 months ago #7760 by julia
Replied by julia on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Just received a quick message from Chot, She thinks its going ok now (as from last night) but each day brings new challenges. Trev is still in intensive care and in a lot of pain. She is not sure if he will be upto getting the 2nd one done. She hasn't been home yet hence little bits of info.

Cindy, They do epidural for some hip replcements ect here in the uk, they are trying to get out of general anasthetics for as much as possible. I think it's barbaric myself :ohmy: Hopefully he would have been knocked out!

I was so relieved to hear this from her.


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14 years 5 months ago #7773 by Caroline109
Replied by Caroline109 on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
HAving 2 knee replacements here in the US, it's preferable to have spinal anesthestic because it's better for pain relief following the surgery. You're also given something to sleep through the operation so you're oblivious to the sounds of the surgery (although some people want to be awake-I sure didn't). I had a CBC in a holding area right before going to the OR to make sure Icould have the spinal with the platelet count I had the 2nd time. PAin can be pretty bad following such surgery. Hoping Trevor is doing better today.

Diagnosed with ITP 9/14/1980, the day oldest son was born, & it continued through the births of my other 2 sons and continues now! No treatments until March 2011 when I had a TKR and my count decided to plunge. Sons now almost 25-30. My spleen's still with me.
PKR 09/2008
TKR 04/2010

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14 years 5 months ago #7783 by julia
Replied by julia on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Yipee Trev is out of intensive care!

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14 years 5 months ago #7788 by
Replied by on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Wonderful news Julia! Thank you so much for keeping us posted!!

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14 years 5 months ago #7807 by CindyL
Replied by CindyL on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Great news, Julia! Keep feeding us.

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14 years 5 months ago #7944 by julia
Replied by julia on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Hi People, just to let you know i have no more info on Trev. For some reason Cathy has gone from my facebook, ive sent a friend request again and a couple of messages without any reply. Im confused as to what has happened, hoping it is a computer hitch or something silly. :unsure:

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14 years 5 months ago #8017 by meredithjane
Replied by meredithjane on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Hi everyone,
Just spoke with Trev. He's home on the farm & all going well (apart from trying to negotiate furniture etc). Will be a steady few weeks but so far all good.
The reason he was unable to have an epidural post op. was due to spinal bruising concerns. 12 days of platelets got him through.
Julia - Cathy's computer crashed, I'm sure she'll be in touch again soon. x

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14 years 5 months ago #8021 by julia
Replied by julia on topic Re:Good luck Trev & Chot!
Fantastic news! he's out much sooner than they expected. Thanks MJ i was wondering if id upset Cathy in some way but couldn't understand. Either that or something awful had happened.
They must all be so relieved!
Hope you were not affected by the floods.

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