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My day at the Spa!!

14 years 7 months ago #6461 by Christine
My day at the Spa!! was created by Christine
After having a blood test on Wed and not hearing from the hospital Thurs I believed everything was OK and didn't need my visit. 7:45am I was sitting in my garden enjoying and planning my day when the phone rings " Come ASAP your platelets are very low (8K) Quick shower (I didn't finish my coffee) then hurried through rush hour traffic to the hospital. I was there by 8:30am - because I was an "add on" I had to wait until 10:30 for the doc to see me then the orders had to sent in and there were no chairs available etc etc. The transfusion was eventually started at 12:30pm - after 20 mins there was terrific burning pain in my hand and it had swollen like you wouldn't believe. They had pierced the vein. That involved the transfusion being stopped and restarted - another hour!Everthing was eventually completed at 6:30pm.
Talk about a days planning going to $%#^ in a handbasket. Fortunately I'm a " there's always tommorrow" person and put it down to there's gotta be a laugh in there somewhere - A couple of days and I'll find it!!
Today's experience will be good for a creative writing class I am taking !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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