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Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe from DoubleTree by Hilton

4 years 8 months ago #69187 by CindyL
Oh, I remember the weight gain! My parents 50th Anniversary was at the same time and every time I see the pictures, especially of them and Steven and me, I cringe! A friend made a dress for me, but I had to wear my sneakers because my dress shoes didn't fit. At a funeral viewing for one of Steven's relatives, one of my SIL's asked me what happened to me, I was so big. She's a fine one to talk, she's chunky too! I've never been small, but at least I had an excuse for being so big!
I don't remember eating any more than usual. And certainly no energy to clean!

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4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #69189 by MelA
I don't really remember eating more than usual, but probably did as I recall being hungry a lot. I used to be skinny as a rail, friends would joke if I turned sideways they couldn't see me (I was just naturally thin), not any more though even off pred I couldn't get back to where I was.

About 10 years after we got back home I had a good crash & needed treatment - I refused prednisone because I was not going to look like the Pillsbury Dough Boy in our son's wedding photos & I told my hematologist my dress for the wedding would compliment bruises ! That's when I got Win-Rho and it did the trick.

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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4 years 8 months ago #69192 by CindyL
When mum was in the hospital 2 years ago, I had started to drop a lot of weight. From where her room was to where the bathroom was, was quite a walk. And there are some days I have to pee a lot, so some days I was walking the hallway 3x's or more a day. Right now, I'm a little over 200. Would love to get under that, but I doubt it will happen.

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4 years 8 months ago #69202 by MelA
That's what happened to me Cindy - I've never been heavy until prednisone, the day of that fateful gamma globulin injection I had to get to go overseas or the company wouldn't let us go I was thin as always a few weeks later looking like I'd been beaten up and prednisone started I've never been thin again. I'm sure sure over 3 years on pred didn't help - I've heard it redistributes the body fat, but haven't heard if it ever goes back to normal once off it.

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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4 years 8 months ago #69205 by CindyL
I've been going through pictures to put on a disc for mum's viewing (I know this sounds morbid, but I don't want to be doing it at the last minute) and even though I'm not happy with the picture, I'll put it in. We didn't get one of my parents and us on our wedding day, so this is pretty special.
I've pretty much stopped "trying" to lose weight. But due to other health issues, we've changed the way we eat. I'm not a big sweet eater, but like to snack in the afternoons.

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4 years 8 months ago #69206 by MelA
Morbid, no Cindy. We already have us paid for and which cemetery we will be in.

I've given up on losing weight too - but I should eat smarter than I do. I do like sweets, will blame my Mom for that ;)

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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  • mrsb04
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4 years 8 months ago #69208 by mrsb04
Melinda and Cindy
I know this will sound totally alien to the pair of you but I envy you a bit.
After Rich died suddenly in 2011 I developed anorexia and went from just over 126lbs to 70lbs in a matter of a couple of months and ended up being treated by a dietician friend once I returned to work. I gradually put weight back to about 98lbs over the next year. I developed ITP 2 years after that and when put on pred thought I'd put on some more but that didn't happen. I'm still too thin and was 101lbs last time I went to haem clinic in February.
My plot is paid for. I bought a double one when Rich was buried saves my boys having to deal with it. The headstone has room left for my details too so it shouldn't be too much of a financial outlay for them when I peg it.

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4 years 8 months ago #69210 by CindyL
Mum inherited four plots, so that's where she and dad will go. Steven and I have our names on one of the others. Mum started right after dad died saying she should pay for her funeral. We had to convince her to wait til we got him taken care of. He was cremated, so his urn is in her room. When the time comes, I think the plan is to put the urn in her coffin. The only thing left to pay for for her is the opening and closing of the grave. Her parents are buried there and some people I don't know.
Mrsb, I'm afraid of what I'll do if Steven goes first. We have 24 years coming up this September. He's been out on disability for the last 3 years, so this lock down is nothing for us. I think I'm going to be so lost without him. Mind you, I am 7 years older, so I could go first. I'll probably be depressed for a long time. Hope you're doing better now.

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4 years 8 months ago #69211 by MelA
Anne I'm thankful you have put on some weight, bless you - that has to be a tough battle. You are winning which is the important thing!

We were thinking of our sons too when we paid for our cremations already - they don't have to worry about a thing now or put out any money. My husband and I celebrate our 51st anniversary soon.

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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  • mrsb04
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  • ITP since 2014. Retired nurse. My belief is empower patients to be involved as much as possible in their care. Read, read, read & ALWAYS question medics about the evidence base they use.
4 years 8 months ago #69212 by mrsb04
Cindy:- My left wrist is fine but gets tired as doing so much. Right one I'm having physio which is going to be a long slow job unfortunately but it is gradually improving. Have sent you a PM.

Melinda:- It is hard but I am sure I'm maintaining weight, eating more now I have a dog and take him out for long walks. I hope I am compensating for what I'm burning off plus now having a good supper each night before I go to bed. I recently changed my Eltrombopag time. I used to take it last thing at night when I was working but as I always get up at least once usually about 3am-4am I've started taking it then.
I don't get on scales at home, dietician told me not to do that as one can get obsessed with minor changes. The only scales I go on are at ITP clinic which I haven't been to since February . I was supposed to go a couple of weeks ago but it was changed to a phone appointment due to Covid. It will be interesting to see what my weight is once clinic opens again.

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4 years 8 months ago #69213 by CindyL
Glad to hear the wrists are getting better! And that you're putting weight back on! Replied to your message. The notification worked great!
We don't have kids, so my sister will probably have to be the one to take care of our needs. We started the process a few years ago to pay for our funerals, but that kinda went by the way-side. Time to start the process back up.
Early Happy 51st Anniversary, Melinda and hubby!

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4 years 8 months ago #69217 by MelA
Anne you are doing fantastic!! Your dietitian is right, shouldn't be getting on the scales and really that goes for anyone trying to gain or lose. Sounds like your new schedule for taking Eltrombopag is easier for you. How is it going in the UK - do you feel the clinics will be opening any time soon? Glad to hear your right wrist is improving - do you think physio would help your left wrist too? I was supposed to see the orthopedic surgeon about my left shoulder to see what he thinks, probably would send me to physical therapy but had to cancel because of the virus - I have a feeling I'm getting a frozen shoulder, have a couple exercises from when I broke it so doing them until I can get in again.

Cindy, thank you - and an early happy anniversary to you and Steven too!

And Teen, if you are around - that Cinnamon Bun Cake is really really good! So glad you shared it!

"Instead of wasting your time worrying about symptoms, just get it checked out" -Nieca Goldberg, MD

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