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Been having a little stress lately!

9 years 1 month ago #50174 by Winnifred
Been having a little stress lately! was created by Winnifred
#1. my son got married and you know how tiring that can be. That said even though it down poured and we had a bit of an electrical issue. My son has been happily married for a couple of weeks now!

#2. My daughter decided to get sick. She's been having issues of what looks like seizures was put on a med with horrible side effects. We went back to doctor and with what we described he took her off the meds. At that time she had not had any more episodes. Told us to see her family doctor if they came back. Well they slowly started coming back that 2 weeks ago all h*** broke loose.

Day 1 Thursday she started having seizures one after another boyfriend called 911 in emergency they gave her some seizure meds and mega doses of ativan. Sent her home in the am to sleep.

Day 2 Friday meds wore off seizures started again this time I called 911 at the emergency room the doctor said he couldn't/ wouldn't treat her. Gave us option to go home or monitor over night. Monitor they were not even doing that. I spent 3hrs using a pillow and my arms to stop her from banging into the bed rails with no help from staff. .......(I have never been so scared in my entire life). The doctor claimed they were psuedo seizure and you do not treat.

Day 3 seizures started packed my car with pillows, a blanket and my daughter drove 1 1/2 hrs to a large hospital emergency room. We were in the waiting room not even 10 minutes when another seizure started with in 2 minutes 2 nurses were there and she was in a room. Less than 5 minutes later a doctor was standing at her bedside. Immediately started IV dilantin they monitored her over night and checked her dilantin levels. This hospital stated no matter the type of seizure it has to be treated and is a medical emergency.
She was released on 300mgs of Dilantin a day. We now have an appointment with the epilepsy clinic in December!

#3. My turn did not like the look of my urine so I dipped it at work. Positive for leuks and blood. Went to urgent care diagnosis UTI and I'm now on Macrobid BID for 7 days.

Medical joke for Sandi

Nurse: Why are you here?
Me: 99% sure I have a UTI
Nurse: What makes you think that?
Me: the dipstick told me so! hehehe

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  • Sandi
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  • Sandi Forum Moderator Diagnosed in 1998, currently in remission. Diagnosed with Lupus in 2006. Last Count - 344k - 6-9-18
9 years 1 month ago #50175 by Sandi
Replied by Sandi on topic Been having a little stress lately!
Ha ha.

Geez Julia, everything always happens at once. I hope they can treat your daughter and get those seizures under control soon! That would be very scary!

Congrats on your son. One thing out of the way.

Good luck with the UTI. At lest that is a temporary thing - get better soon.

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9 years 1 month ago #50202 by meredithjane
Replied by meredithjane on topic Been having a little stress lately!
Hi Julia,
Love the little quip!
So sorry to hear your dramas! Glad your son's wedding went well.
BUT Your daughter's issues are a huge concern. I hope they do thorough testing & figure it out for her.
And you, dear, need to rest! The UTI's are nasty.
Thinking of you,

PS as for weddings - a friend's daughter is getting married in a few weeks (Spring here) & is going all retro. She is borrowing my 11 green depression glass salad bowls, my collection of glass candle holders & the doily bunting I made for my MIL's 90th. In a marquee near the beach.

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9 years 1 month ago #50212 by CindyL
Replied by CindyL on topic Been having a little stress lately!
Congrats on the daughter-in-law, hope they have a long and happy life.

Hope your daughter gets the help she needs. A friend of mine had a seizure in a store here at the beginning of summer and broke her arm. She doesn't remember a thing. Now she has to see a neurologist. December seems like an awful long time to see anybody. Hope she gets in sooner!

Hope your UTI heals up fast.

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9 years 1 month ago #50220 by Winnifred
Replied by Winnifred on topic Been having a little stress lately!
Cindy - December is actually pretty good for around here. I have a friend who's 6year old daughter has to wait over 1 year to see a pediatric neurologist who specializes in seizures. My daughter remembers bits and pieces of the weekend but most is a blur which is good.

As for resting that I am doing when I'm not working! Taking lots of Gravol which makes me sleepy!

Did I tell you I'm sensitive to medications? Basically what it means is the side effects double for me. Antibiotics can cause nausea so for me I skip that stage go right to vomiting ugh! This time I've been sucking on mints to try and avoid too much gravol. I'm cheap 8 tabs of the 100mg immediate release and long acting is over $15.00

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #50223 by
Congrats on your son's marriage and your new daughter!

Sorry about the UTI but thankfully you caught it and are being treated [bummer on the reaction to antibiotics!]. I've never had one but thanks to my stepmom who had one without symptoms & didn't know until she was extremely ill, UTIs scare me.

My lips are sealed and I'm biting my tongue :pinch: - refuse to say anything about it taking over a year for a precious child who is having seizures to get in to see a pediatric neurologist. [my dog who turned out to be epileptic got treated faster than that]

"The doctor claimed they were psuedo seizure and you do not treat."
And why did he/she draw that conclusion - tests or is he/she psychic? Any chance this doctor can be reported??

I'm so sorry your daughter is going through this - and you too, bless you both! I hope the medication keeps things under control until she can be seen in December. My friend's daughter started seizures in her mid-30s and it as a bit before they got the right med and dose but she's doing great.

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9 years 1 month ago #50245 by Winnifred
Replied by Winnifred on topic Been having a little stress lately!
Melinda - apparently the first night in the ER that doctor determined they were psuedo seizures because they did not appear as the typical epileptic seizure. She recently had a MRI that showed damage to the brain and with a history of multiple concussions we are wondering if that may just be the trigger. Also the reason why the seizures are not typical type.

After doing research my daughter is now hoping they are psuedo seizures. As taking anti-seizure drugs pretty much means she can not have kids. Apparently she found that there is a high risk for spina biffida in babies born to mothers on seizure medications. Add that too the fact that I have spina biffida triples the chance of it happening.

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #50254 by
The thing is with that doctor - not everyone presents an illness/disease/disorder as a text book case (my niece with RA as only 1 example). Just because a seizure doesn't appear typical doesn't mean it isn't an epileptic seizure.

The concussions aren't good - and so those very likely yes could be the cause.
What is the treatment for pseudo-seizures, nothing?

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9 years 1 month ago #50281 by Winnifred
Replied by Winnifred on topic Been having a little stress lately!
According to the doctors at the big hospital does not matter whether they are epileptic or non-epileptic. Treatment is the same until they confirm they are not epileptic seizures.

If it turns out it is psuedoseizures and the cause is not a medical issue than they use psychotherapy and meds to treat the underlying issue such as anxiety.

Apparently they can be cause by anxiety, PTSD, bipolar and medical reasons like chemical inbalances, migraines, stroke. There is even a rare auto-immune disease that can cause seizures (we won't go there this one can end in death).

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  • Sandi
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  • Sandi Forum Moderator Diagnosed in 1998, currently in remission. Diagnosed with Lupus in 2006. Last Count - 344k - 6-9-18
9 years 1 month ago #50292 by Sandi
Replied by Sandi on topic Been having a little stress lately!

I truly hope that your daughter gets diagnosed and treated soon. I'd be a basket case and I'm sure you are. I remember your daughter used to be on the PDSA with funny stories. Good luck and best wishes. Keep us posted.

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9 years 1 month ago #50334 by
That doctor at the other hospital sounds like he didn't want to deal with it - so wrong for a doctor to just assume!

Hope she can get diagnosed and treatment begun!

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #50433 by Winnifred
Replied by Winnifred on topic Been having a little stress lately!
And so it continues!

Update on daughter meds still at therapeutic levels. So has not had a full blown seizure type episode since. If something triggers her they are short and sweet with minimal interruption to life. Her family doctor checked her BP and it is absolutely normal which tells me the increase in HR and BP at the hospital was due to the episodes!

3 days out from my anti-biotics dipped my urine again as I could see blood in it. I am now on another dose of antibiotics doctor figures Antibiotics from last doctor were not strong enough.

A good side note because of my history with ITP he ran a platelet count 136. Has dropped only 30 since May but still fantastic!

Which brings up my Great News! Today starts my 5 day vacation. Not going anywhere as our town has a festival to celebrate that we are a port of call attached to a canal. Concerts, vendors, Tall ships, cruises, and did I mention concerts where admission is donation! Counts are up enough for me to have my traditional beer { Old Vienna } only time I ever have a beer in memory of my grandma!

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