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14 years 11 months ago #1537 by tortie
gardening was created by tortie
We've had some warm weather lately (well, warm by Canadian standards)and I'm looking forward to growing my veggies. I know winter isn't over yet so I can only focus on starting seeds indoors. I started my tomato and pepper seedlings 9 days ago and almost every tomato has come up. We have a greenhouse outside to keep them later. I think I'll start some flower seeds as well. We have a new place this year and we haven't started our garden digging. So it will be a lot of work to get the rest of the veggies planted this year.

Anybody else getting ready?


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14 years 11 months ago #1556 by tigereyes
Replied by tigereyes on topic Re:gardening
As much as Id love to garden. Im no good at it. I manage to kill everything. The only plant that is alive in my house is a green vine that is stuck in a pot of water. Ive tried every kind of plant, flower you name Ive killed it. I thought roses were hard to kill--yeah not so much for me. I killed mine in a week. It just up and turned brown :( Although if you take some pictures Id love to see your plants.


Mother of 2 boys
Last Rituxan 12/09/09--3rd time around with not much sucess
Winrho-09/25/09 Didnt work.
IVIG--Countless times

Latest counts 8 4/2013-just started Promatca
Diag. 9/2006

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14 years 11 months ago #1561 by michel
Replied by michel on topic Re:gardening
i planted a few bulbs (tulips, dahlias) back in December. Three tulips are coming up to the surface. I'm hoping the other bulbs weren't duds. I also planted a persimon tree, but I was told not to expect any fruit for another 3 to 4 years. And I thinking of getting a pomegranite tree as well, but I'm wondering if it would be too late to plant for this year.

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14 years 10 months ago #1588 by isaacsmom
Replied by isaacsmom on topic Re:gardening
I just started a bunch of seeds. This is my first year attempting to grow a bunch of stuff from seeds, so we'll see how I do. I have grown tomato plants in the past (not from seed). This year, from seed I am trying to grow tomatoes, red peppers, pumpkins for baking, cucumbers, little watermelons, green beans, peas and strawberries. If any are successful I will be happy. My hope is to have Isaac eat more fresh foods and maybe improve his healtha bit. He's looking forward to helping me.

So far I planted a bunch of things a week ago and nothing has come up yet. I'm not sure how long it takes though, so I just keep being patient. :-)

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14 years 10 months ago #1593 by
Replied by on topic Re:gardening
Sitting here looking out the window at the gray sky & snow on the ground wishing it were time to plant. We can't plant flowers until Mother's Day - do it before then there is a very high risk of them freezing.

Have you seen those planters for tomatoes where the tomato plant is upside down? I'd like to try one.

Due to the rabbits eating everything their cute little lips can get around I can't plant flowers or vegetables in the ground. Flowers go in big pots. My husband made me some above the ground planters which I call coffin planters as they are long - they are great, I grow snow peas & cucumbers and strawberries in them - have grown carrots, bell peppers and green onions too. I can play Mother Nature and the rabbits go to the neighbors yards.

Alas 2 1/2 more months to go.

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14 years 10 months ago #1609 by Christine
Replied by Christine on topic Re:gardening
I'm also looking forward to the"season" alhtough it seems to short here. I saw in Canadian Tire last week the strawberries in planters that hang upside down - sounds like a good idea - saves bending when "the munchies" strike :) :)
My husband took ou8t all the gras and I now have flowers, shrubs and veggies everywhere - there are gravel paths between the gardens and it still is not enough room for all I want to grow!!!! :) :) :)

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14 years 10 months ago #1610 by Christine
Replied by Christine on topic Re:gardening
I'm also looking forward to the"season" alhtough it seems to short here. I saw in Canadian Tire last week the strawberries in planters that hang upside down - sounds like a good idea - saves bending when "the munchies" strike :) :)
My husband took ou8t all the gras and I now have flowers, shrubs and veggies everywhere - there are gravel paths between the gardens and it still is not enough room for all I want to grow!!!! :) :) :)

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14 years 10 months ago #1612 by julia
Replied by julia on topic Re:gardening
Peter is ordering an electric garden tiller so i can get stuck in as i cant dig or start a petrol engine. We had our house up for sale last year and now we know we're staying back in the garden we will go! Im looking forward to it but a tip for anyone growing potatoes - plant them in bags or dustbins seem to be much better than the ground.

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14 years 10 months ago #1652 by tortie
Replied by tortie on topic Re:gardening
Lots of interesting things everybody's doing.

Michel: Let me know how your pomegranite tree does.

Isaacsmom: The tomatoes should be up 7-10days, peppers 10-14days. I got impatient and fluffed the top soil and found a couple sprouts that were just starting. I had to replant a few pots though that didn't come up. I never had anything bigger than a softball size watermellon- the season here just isn't enough. I would love a home grown one though. The best tasting one I ever had was from BC a few years ago, it had a few black seeds but it was the sweetest.

Melinda and Christine. I might try one or 2 of the upside down tomatoes. The only trouble is the watering height and making sure the hook will handle the weight. I've seen pictures of how to do it yourself with using large pails and cutting the hole for the tomoato to grow. My husbands been wanting to try this since we heard about it a couple years ago but I thought it was too weird. I guess I'm curious enough now.

Julia: I've heard about this with potatoes but have never tried it, it would be so much easier than digging them up.

The flavour of home grown veggies....MMMMM

A couple of unusual things I add to my garden salad are Amaranthus leaves, Nasturtium leaves or flowers and Sorrel and Borage flowers. With sorrel and nasturtium you only add a small amount though because the taste is strong.


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14 years 10 months ago #1720 by
Replied by on topic Re:gardening
An electric garden tiller - too neat!

Julia I'd love to try growing potatoes like that! Never heard of that before. Wonder if our growing season is long enough. Wonder if the squirrels will leave the bag alone or jump in and dig.

I found these for growing in a bag:

For growing in a dustbin:

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14 years 10 months ago #1731 by tortie
Replied by tortie on topic Re:gardening
I got a picture of the butt end of a squirrel having a great time and then planting the baby potatoes everywhere!!!!

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14 years 10 months ago #1747 by Bunnie
Replied by Bunnie on topic Re:gardening
Melinda, my "natural" pest book says for rabbits to mix bone meal, black pepper and Cayenne pepper and spread it around the plants. Or rubbing bacon grease on the stems. Although until I discovered my pest was really a havalina, I was threating the bb-gun.

"Pigs" aren't in my book, so I'm not sure what to do for him. For deer, they say to mix hot water, vinegar, ivory soap and cayenne pepper. Let it cool, strain it and put in a spray bottle (for flowers, not recommended for vegatables and consumables). My hair dresser offered to collect hair clippings since she has customers ask for them for deer control. My book says that asking your dog groomer for dog hair clippings, is good for keeping away racoons, but I'm considering trying it for the rabbits.

Julia, I've seen a neighbor take a couple of old tires, one on top of another. He lays the potato set directly on the soil in the middle of the tires, then fills them to the top with straw. The roots get the nutrients from the soil, but the potatoes will develop in the straw.

"I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.\" — Mark Twain\\\\\\"Worry is a misuse of the imagination.\" — Dan Zadra

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14 years 10 months ago #1748 by
Replied by on topic Re:gardening
That is too funny Michelle!! I have corn growing in flower pots and peanuts growing in the grass and flower pots thanks to the squirrels. I have to cover the coffin planters with bird netting after planting seeds or else they think I have left them a playground of freshly turned dirt to dig in - once the plants get big then I can take the netting off
and the squirrels leave them alone.

Let me know if you plant upside down tomatoes - I'm wondering if they make a mess on the patio below where they hang [because that's where I'd hang any if I do it that way].

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14 years 10 months ago #1749 by
Replied by on topic Re:gardening
Bunnie I tried something with cayenne pepper and it didn't phase them at all. The planter in the front yard is 2 bricks high and the rabbits can get in it and have eaten the creeping thyme flowers - I got Liquid Fence spray and sprayed the creeping thyme and the paver bricks and they stayed out. That stuff if nasty smelling until it dries and you have to watch how the wind is blowing so it doesn't get on you - but it sure worked.

Oh my a havalina?!

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14 years 10 months ago #1759 by server
Replied by server on topic Re:gardening
Yeah....fellow gardeners! I love it! My garden is my safe heaven. I love every second of it! Except for the weeds of course!
I have a fairly big garden. I plant tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, green onions, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, green beans and corn. I've tried eggplant, but the bugs keep getting it and brussel sprouts, but have no success with those at all. The plants grow nicely but don't produce any vegatables. Think I'll pass on those this year. I've also tried radishes and beets, but not much success with those either. For the squirrel and rabbit problem my husband put a fence of chicken wire around my garden, keeps the dogs and cats out too!
So far I've only bought some seeds. I buy most of the plants already started. I don't have a greenhouse or the room in my regular house to start everything from seeds. The seeds I do buy I just plant directly in the ground. Not before the end of April though. We live in Central Ohio so any before that would be to cold still.
I plant flowers all around the yard too. So beautiful! I like the Sunflowers. Gonna plant smaller ones this year so I can use them as fresh cut flowers. I read somewhere on the internet to put wet newspapers on top of the dirt and mulch over them and that that would keep the weeds out! Can't wait to try it!
I'm looking forward to sharing gardening stories with you all!

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:26

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14 years 10 months ago #1810 by julia
Replied by julia on topic Re:gardening
Oh god please dont tell Chot about your rabbit, deer and squirrel problems or she will be after them with her gun lol. She has her Elma Fudd head on at the moment :ohmy: lol

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14 years 10 months ago #1811 by Christine
Replied by Christine on topic Re:gardening
I tried the bin method and stacked up old tires one year and the slugs found them!!!! May try again as it doesn't take up much room in the garden. I'll try surrounding the area with copper wire.

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14 years 10 months ago #1812 by Christine
Replied by Christine on topic Re:gardening
I tried the bin method and stacked up old tires one year and the slugs found them!!!! May try again as it doesn't take up much room in the garden. I'll try surrounding the area with copper wire.

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14 years 10 months ago #1826 by Bunnie
Replied by Bunnie on topic Re:gardening
i don't see many slugs in Arizona, but my aunt in Seattle swears by setting out shallow pans of beer. They crawl in and drown. Of course, you could just drink the beer and let the garden go....

"I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.\" — Mark Twain\\\\\\"Worry is a misuse of the imagination.\" — Dan Zadra

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14 years 10 months ago #1891 by
Replied by on topic Re:gardening
All this talk about planting - we are under a winter storm warning until later tonight and there is almost 10" of snow that fell today. We may get more overnight.

Chot could get a job in the suburb near us - they have hired people to shoot coyotes.

Slugs - nasty, vile, ugly things. Yuck!!

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14 years 10 months ago #1893 by Bunnie
Replied by Bunnie on topic Re:gardening
Ooh, Melinda I'm shivering all over thinking about it. I had to go to Utah last week for a funeral and there was still spots in Mom's yard that had 2-3 feet of Snow.

Here in Phoenix (low desert) we have to start planting by Mid January or early Feb, otherwise the heat gets the items like lettuce and peas that like cooler weather. We've had so much rain this winter, that the 75-80 degree days last week has every thing blooming and every vacant lot has weeds that are up to a foot high. Afraid it's going to be an ugly fire season. The wild flowers in the high deserts should be incredible in a few weeks.

"I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.\" — Mark Twain\\\\\\"Worry is a misuse of the imagination.\" — Dan Zadra

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14 years 10 months ago #2027 by
Replied by on topic Re:gardening
We had 12" of snow. Then yesterday was decent and most of it melted since it was a really wet snow - today was beautiful. I was in Walgreen's and saw all these different things for planting upside down [one for hot peppers, one for tomatoes, one for strawberries] but passed them by because after it hitting about 63° today snow is predicted for tomorrow, 4-8". Ahhhhhh springtime in the Rockies - or as the employee at Sam's Club said, schizophrenic Colorado weather.

When we lived in Texas we planted early too, it was great - and I loved that my iris bloomed at least 2x a year.

Boy I hope you don't have a bad fire season!

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14 years 10 months ago #2044 by Christine
Replied by Christine on topic Re:gardening
I thought only Calgary had schizo weather :) The other day I saw garden rakes and snow shovels in the same bin at Canadian Tire also driveway salt next to lawn fertilizer :) :)
Where in CO are you Melinda? Through genealogy I found rellies in Montrose and visited them a couple of years back - it certainly is a beautiful and diverse State

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14 years 10 months ago #2058 by
Replied by on topic Re:gardening
Well after a beautiful day today we go under a winter storm warning tomorrow, Tuesday, afternoon.

Smiling at the rakes & snow shovels in the same bin Christine - at least we don't get as much snow as Calgary! I'm in the Denver area, so in the plains. Did you go to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison when you visited Montrose?

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14 years 10 months ago #2059 by ddunn
Replied by ddunn on topic Re:gardening
even here in florida winter has been brutal. i am ready for it to be over so i can plant my flowers!

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14 years 10 months ago #2123 by Christine
Replied by Christine on topic Re:gardening
Yes Melinda we went to Black Canyon and it took my breath away, also through Ourey (sp) where we saw the place where one of my past rellies helped build the channel to bring water into the Uncompaghre(sp) valley. On coming home we spent 6hrs at Denver airport and I was really impressed with that alos. Ihpe to go back againand visit everyone. BTW they say our bad weather comes from CO - it's called the Colorado clipper :lol: :lol: :lol:
ps thanks for info on genealogy site. :)

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14 years 10 months ago #2141 by
Replied by on topic Re:gardening
We are in the midst of another spring snow storm - was snowing and blowing so hard earlier I couldn't see across the street, it is still coming down hard. Very wet snow so there is going to be damage to tree limbs.

Colorado Clipper - that is too funny! Our cold and snow is usually blamed on Canada, and California ")

My stepmom is in Florida and she has said how cold it has been there this winter.

You have a famous relative if he helped build that channel. Some very pretty areas your relatives come from.

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14 years 10 months ago #2162 by
Replied by on topic Re:gardening
So far 16" and it is still snowing lightly. Very wet snow - the roads were nasty for rush hour but looks like they may be just slush now.

This this snow is going to be hard on branches - our pine trees are really drooping, won't be able to tell if any branches are broken until the snow is off teh trees.

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14 years 10 months ago #2180 by alisonp
Replied by alisonp on topic Re:gardening
Had a look in my veggie patch before it got dark tonight, and I can see the first tiny shoots of spinach peeping through - I still get VERY excited when something grows as planned!


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14 years 10 months ago #2216 by tortie
Replied by tortie on topic Re:gardening
Some of my tomato plants have their 2nd leaves!!!!! I only have 1 red pepper growing and 3 duds!!! I better try again.

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