Each year the annual American Society of Hematology (ASH) meeting attracts thousands of clinicians and scientists, worldwide, to learn about and report on the latest hematology research. This year’s 2018 ASH meeting, held December 1 – 4 in San Diego, California featured the annual ITP Breakfast Meeting, coordinated by PDSA and four of our Medical Advisors, Dr. James Bussel, Dr. Nichola Cooper, Dr. Michele Lambert and Dr. John Semple, who invited twelve hematologist investigators to present their cutting-edge ITP research. In this issue of the e-news, we report some trends. Watch for additional ASH findings in the 2018 winter issue of the PDSA quarterly newsletter, The Platelet News.
The ASH abstract numbers are shown in parentheses. You can search on the number and read the complete abstract at: http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/132/suppl_1.